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Hi all and thank you to those of you who filled out the survey. This is what I found out.

Firstly, there's a huge variety in what people want the focus of development to be. A third of people want to see an even split (which is what I try to do at the moment), a third of people want a focus on new content, and a third want a mix of focus on all the other things. The option that the least people chose was a focus on engine optimisation, which I find relieving as this is the most difficult thing for me to do! I think what I'm going to therefore do into 2018 is continue pretty much as I am but slightly increase how much of my effort is spent on brand new features.

Secondly, there was no complaint option that received more than 30% of votes which I think is good. Of the ones that did receive somewhere between 20% and 30%, I will endeavour to bear these in mind moving forward. The one I'm going to try and improve immediately is communication. I've started updating my Twitter with what's going on much more frequently, and hopefully I'll be able to discipline myself into continuing this behaviour. Please check it out at https://twitter.com/aikamcslut 

Nearly 25% of patrons are very happy to not have their inbox filled by my updates so I will be keeping them to Twitter. If I'm making a longer dev post, or a shout-out to another creator, I'll probably use the blog on trapquest.com for that, and link to it from my twitter. I may still use the [Aika Blog] tag from time to time to post something particularly cool directly to Patreon, we'll see.

Someone pointed out in a custom response that the Keriax window has not seen development in a long time. This is true and the reason is that Keriax is now spending 99% of his time working on his own project (Perverted Education) - essentially he's outgrown TQ for the most part and has his own rather successful Patreon! So it's difficult for me to pay him a reasonable amount that would justify him spending time on the TQ window when he could be growing his own enterprise.

Nearly 85% of patrons were happy with the system of often getting only one new version a month. So I will plan to keep doing this for now. I still am going to aim for two new versions a month but with the realistic expectation that often due to complications it'll get delayed to 3 or 4 weeks apart.

Bukkake fetish managed to beat mythical creatures fetish for the award of "most popular fetish option" by a very narrow margin (186 votes to 184) and last year's winner of lactation fetish followed closely behind in third place with 179 votes.

57% of you are frequently taking the natural horny submissive handicap. I wonder how many of you are unaware of how much flavour you are missing out on by doing that. I would suggest that anyone who hasn't played with that disabled for a long while maybe give it a go, just to remind themselves of what it's like to play without it.

The most controversial "fun" question was whether you get a morning throatfuck and facial from a dickhead wizard, or whether your best friend gives you a long-range hard dicking and anal creampie every time he masturbates. In the end more people went for this one, which I think is interesting and probably means they don't realise quite how much their best friend masturbates and how some of them will be at extremely annoying times! ;-)

The most popular superpower by a country mile was having butt plug enabled spidey sense. I found this surprising as it was towards the bottom of my list of preferences. But maybe this is because I didn't really envision myself fighting much crime or whatever. I just imagined living a bit like the guy in "Jumper" and having a fun, easy life thanks to my superpowers. The second most popular choice (and most popular combination with butt plug) was the power of flight with long-term chastity. Again this surprised me because you have to spend the rest of your life in chastity or pretty much hardly fly at all. But then maybe a huge number of you want to be forced into permanent magical chastity...

And I'm glad to report that 100% of people wanted to live in a world where pineapple was never put on pizza, rather than have their kinks normalized. But apparently 77.4% of respondents didn't notice their mouse slip and they accidentally chose the other option instead. Whoops! Get it together, guys.


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