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A note from Aika: Thank you for your patience this month, I've had a lot less people message me asking for information on the next version than usual!  Maybe you're all starting to learn my schedule :D  This month has been a bit more busy than the standard month because I had to complete my tax return which is a royal pain in the butt because HMRC has not set up their systems to work well with Patreon's method of handling VAT for us creators.  Anyway, thanks so much to each and everyone one of you for being so awesome and continuing to support me, and now that it's a new year I'll be doing another one of those feedback polls relatively soon, so keep an eye out for that.
In other news the number one piece of feedback from vocal people that I'm getting right now is that the game starts to get slow over time.  This is definitely true and we are trying our best to spend some development time investigating this to see what we can do at our end to minimise the issue.  However if you really can't tolerate the lag, try removing the 'smart' hyperlinks as in my experience this accounts for over 50% of the delay.

Love from Aika


This post contains the January 2018 unlock file for Trap Quest.  This is for  the Release 9 Version 5.3 of Trap Quest (which is going to appear  tomorrow!) and onwards; older versions will not recognise this file.

To unlock the content (including the ability to use 'debug'):

1) Download the attached gblorb file into the same folder as Trap Quest. 

2) Run this file as if it was a game. 

3) You're done!  'Debug' should now work in the main game, and this is the best way to check that the file is working correctly.

After using this file you do NOT need to also use the beta unlock file; the alpha file unlocks everything.  In fact using the beta unlock file will override what you've done here and prevent the use of debug commands.

Also, the game only checks the donators file when you start a new  game.  To update the file in the middle of a playthrough, type 'update donators file'. 


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