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EDIT: Oops, took a bit of copypasta from the previous unlock file post that I didn't mean to.

This post contains the November unlock file for Trap Quest.  This is for the Release 9 Version 5.1 of Trap Quest (which is going to appear shortly!) and onwards; older versions will not recognise this file.

To unlock the content (including the ability to use 'debug'):

1) Download the linked gblorb file into the same folder as Trap Quest. 

2) Run this file as if it was a game. 

3) You're done!  'Debug' should now work in the main game, and this is the best way to check that the file is working correctly.

After using this file you do NOT need to also use the beta unlock file; the alpha file unlocks everything.  In fact using the beta unlock file will override what you've done here and prevent the use of debug commands.

Also, the game only checks the donators file when you start a new  game.  To update the file in the middle of a playthrough, type 'update donators file'. 


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