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Hi all!

Firstly sorry that this update post has become so overdue.  I did make a quick update on my Twitter a few days ago but I also think I need to write up a bit more of an extensive post to explain what's going on!

Right off of the bat let me say that I'm still planning to get a new version up before the end of the month but it won't be as large an update as you've been used to for the last few months.  This is because we've been moving house for my partner's new job and hopefully anyone that's ever moved an entire house will feel my pain with this one, we've literally moved every single thing we own nearly 100 miles and cleaned and painted both the old place and the new and our backs are killing us and we're very tired.  I don't usually bother you with my life story but it goes without saying that means that work has gone a bit slower this month.  

Furthermore my time has sunk into two tasks that you won't really see much material benefit from: arguing with (i.e. debugging) the compiler which has been crashing on me a lot this month and helping Selkie learn the Inform 7 ropes and make their first big contribution to the code.  My testing with the compiler has led me to conclude that we are hitting a hard limit for the number of figures (images) that the Inform 7 compiler can handle.  It appears to be the number of images and not the size of the images that is causing a problem.  This has meant that I've had to spend time improving the usage of images and I've split up the drawn version into 3 versions, one for each character window. In summary, it's been a shit month for new content!

The other bad news for progress is that I'm going away for a week from the 1st September for my birthday.  This was planned before we knew we had to move house so is unfortunately bad timing.  I (and my back) really do need a rest though!  Did I mention I'm really tired.  But, from the 9th of September I'm going to be all set up in my new fully dedicated study with all the time in the world to work on my games.  So look forward to a lot of productive moving forward starting then!

Thank you all for being so patient and sticking with me through August, I've received hardly any messages bugging me for updates which hopefully means you're not too angry or desperate for new versions and you're enjoying your own holidays!

Have a great one and watch this space over the next 48 hours.

Love from Aika


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