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A doodle to tide you guys over a bit (I'll scan and tidy this one up when I can, too!) Still no computer, and I'm mad about it, but seeing as it's December despite paying extra for a faster service I'm still waiting. Not much I can do about it this weekend, but if things aren't shipped tomorrow I'll raise hell, ha. Also wanted to ask y'all if I was going to move into releasing comic pages here whether you'd be interested in that. I don't know how many pages per month etc but it'd be spread over time. I posted a 'draft' sort of page over on Twitter with one of my ideas for a growth-related comic, but what I'd end up doing wouldn't necessarily have to be Kili & Syd (they're just on my mind a lot). Feedback on comics vs polls would be much appreciated from y'all though.




Thank you for drawing these two K <3 I appreciate it. As for comics I've always loved your stories I'd be stoked to see more :D