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Ayy so I'm posting this one up without a NSFW version for now but I do intend to do one. I just couldn't get both finished in time to head outta town.
I do really realllyyyy need the break, but I at least wanted to get one version up to tide you over lol. Summer is really tough on my productivity, but my trip won't be long, and hopefully I can recharge some!

As for the other poll, I might end up making that one traditionally (like with Venom) while I'm gone and clean up/colour once I'm back. I like how those end up looking too, though, and I miss a lot of things about traditional when I just sorta stop doing it for a bit. So maybe I'll make a point to do one or the other that way in the future, we'll see how it goes.

But, that also leaves me with a question; if I get the other done while I'm gone, would you guys maybe want musclegut edit of this one too? Even if it were just lines, for example, I wanted to see what y'all thought on that.




muscle gut BDN? yeah i'd be stoked for that, also it's always lovely to see traditional work <3