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EDIT: alright I made the fixes that you guys pointed out :D incredibly sorry for this inconsistency of me, i apologize. so far from what you've guys mentioned, i fixed her waist from being way too wide, i couldnt go too extensive with warping this bit or it wouldve messed with text and such so i apologize if it still looks off, i tried to give the belly button a repositioning in perspective to pronounce it's placement a bit more and hopefully it's translated a bit better, changed the typo from the first typo from "living" to "loving" and changed the typo from the 2nd panel from "staring" to "starting". hope i got them all and thankyou for your feedback ont his!

Page 16 done! sorry about the wait on this, i've been knocking out constantly due to some schoolwork i had to do. I swear i tried doing what i can to stay awake in order to get this out for you guys but it just kept getting sloppier and sloppier so i had to pace this carefully. for instance the first panel, at first i was extremely disatisfied with the perspective of it from the original sketch so i immediately tried revamping it with many angles (only about 2 to 3 times) however at the end of it all, i neer could achieve what i was looking for. thankfully i made sure i didn't delete the original sketch since it was posted here and i later found out (at least how i see it now) that i was more disatisfied with the perspective of the guy than i was with Ruby.

Secondly, i completely forgotten to flip the canvas horizontally to see if there were any deformaties and yes i found plenty, especially with the head shape of the first panel and the symmetry of the second panel . speaking of the second panel, the boob squeeze was a great opportunity for some ambient occlussion! hopefully the depth of the squeeze translates well in that panel, again as you all know i haven't really practiced (or at least consciously) on any boobplay. and lastly, the last panel i decided to just provide it a different angle since i felt it was too closeup and i'm not a big fan of huge close ups. text wise, this was really fun! i tried experimenting with warping perspectives to kind of demonstrate a sense of "energy" or exclamation with speech. i think that's all i'm able to say about this page and i hope you all enjoy! will work on page 17 and another solo piece. I'll try to provide a sketch dump as well hopefully so you guys can vote on which character/sketch you'd want me to work/expand upon! (definitely not a comic of course but like a set than anything)



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