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alright guys, part 2 done! Ok ok, i need to say something about this one (shocking). This piece in particular i had not only a shit ton of fun with, i also had the most difficult times with this piece as well. If you guys recall, i mentioned that i thought this would be a great opportunity to mess around with colors, effects, lighting, etc. and it definitely has for me. I was able to play with some overlay layers and discovered i could use that to color the shading in another hue without distorting too much of the main mid tones. i've played around with rim lighting which helps compliment the background and just helps the piece itself give a bit more depth, i gave some shiny bits of this piece subtle glares, it goes on!

However this was also the most difficult part for me because i hadn't had a time in a while to enjoy playing around in a solo piece and discovering new things like this so it made me overthink decisions of what i thougth would look great to show. For me, it gave me some time to have a bit of introspection while rendering and i kept pacing back and forth, taking breaks, making food, pondering why was i stressing so much about this? i finally realized i was trying too hard to set a task and make sure it becomes ideal is what i think my problem was. Sounds odd to be a "problem" but for me as an artist it is. i've stumbled across this problem in the past and each time i keep forgetting that those thoughts are the things that kind of hold me back a bit when making something. I guess what i'm trying to say is that i kept looking at this as a procedural job rather than just relaxing and have some fun with it? Some of you are probably thinking "where the hell are you going with this, youre dragging this on for too long" and i getcha haha.

well hopefully you guys that took the time to read do understand where i'm coming from and hopefully i explained it enough since it's kind of hard to describe what i mean. and with this being mentioned, i humbly apologize but i have to say this Cinder x Salem piece will be the finale for it's set rather than 2-3 more images. Some of you may be frustrated but i feel i need to stop CxS here and try some other solo pieces. and just for further explanation, NO that doesn't mean i'll stop RWBY or the comic or any sets, i'll definitely draw more of those for sure. I just don't like the idea of being a one trick pony which is why i've been trying really hard to cast color variations on my pieces, trying to understand color theory, trying different dynamic, interesting and attractive poses. anyway, enough with me talking lol, i hope you guys enjoy!I'll be posting the First set later today for the public and i'll post this one another day so you guys can have this one earlier thant he public to "make up" for the loss of 2-3 images. again, hope you understand. maybe i'm making a big deal over nothing x) but i'll write for those who care to know.



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