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***DO NOT post publicly /project is INCOMPLETE***

hey guys, sorry for the wait on this page but it's finally here! going to move onto the Cinder x Salem piece now. Theres not much to say on this page to be honest except just a couple minor little details. The first was that when i noticed how i did muscles, they seemed to be too "puzzle piece-ey" with strong borders from one muscle to another and when looking at well toned people in real life, it's more soft and kind of fades than anything so i tried to apply that with the muscles here on this piece.

the other minor detail is that i havent provided enough "motion blur" in the piece rather than just a couple lines in low opacity so i tried to make an effort of being more conscious into actually providng the motion/movement blurs on certain parts of the piece for a much more clear direction of movement as well as the speed of it like how Ruby is stroking the cocks at the bottom panel. Lastly, the final minor detail is adding a bit more variety to the eyes when providng a certain expression such as the "eye strike" gaze or the white pupil despair kind of look. again, all of these are just little details but hopefully you all enjoy!



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