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Jeez, i know i keep apologizing for the wait but man this one was exhausting. Most of you already know to the reason why but other reasons started to emerge from small experiments to problematic situations. the first problem that i experienced was that i tried to confront the problem of resizing linework to make it seem "thinner" by upping the canvas size then resizing once i put in the flats and lines. however the problem that i'm confronting is that whenever i use the selection tool whenever i need to seperate certain portions of the drawing when rendering like hair, dress, skin, etc. the resize makes the anti-alias "bleed" or it becomes fuzzy constricted.

experimented many methods to make this experience a lot easier, however instead i tried changing the selection tools color difference detection to 11 and specifically 11. anymore and it'll bleed and any less and it would be too fuzzy. I dont know how long this solution will last, i will have to experiment with future pieces with different color palettes since this color palette is very creamy and manageable. the second problem, to be honest wasnt really much of a problem but more of a indecisive critique. each and every single part of this image i tried using the contrast slider for once.

this tool is pretty amazing for it helps with ambient occlussions, pronouncing colors, etc. so i hope it really shows in this piece. there was one situation that wasnt too problematic diong this was some of the colors "clash" and become watercolor-ey so i'd have to manually fix that if i play too much with the slider. a bit of a sacrificed to what i think is a benefit c: at first i thought the metal was going to be the difficult part but i honestly got used to it x) still doesnt look metal to me in my honest opinion but i'll keep on researching on this subject. jeez i think that's all i can list about this piece, theres a tone more to be honest but i spent so much time on it i cant really think of the rest. hope you all enjoy and i'll start working on Ruby 11! ill work on the second/final set of this afterwards c:



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