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Horsey, Horsie, Horsy? I seriously spent way too long figuring out which one was correct x) anyway, sorry for the wait but heres the final product! From the original sketch, i included a lot of energy and motion in the piece, however I wanted to really emphasize the sheen of the horse dick as well as show off the detail that it came with so I eventually chose to remove the motion blurs and whatnot. there is however the layer of attempts in the SAI file so if you guys want to see my half ass attempt at it, its in there x) Also i'm still practicing on the color schemes on what goes great with eachother when it comes to background and character.

I figured that going with a pink background would make sense with this since Nora just has garments of pink and isnt really overloaded with it, however it gave the mood of "soft" when the whole idea of Nora is quite the opposite. so instead i tried going with something analogous and went with a strong bold yellow for the background to compliment the kind of energy she has and i feel it also helps with the absence of the motion blurs. Hope you guys like it better with the focus on the wetness of her ass and dick because i personally find this to be a better outcome :o one final thing, i definitely feel like i want to make a part 2 of this! will get to the sketching of it ASAP c:



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