Hisako (Patreon)
alright finally finished the supposed final piece for Halloween and i'll be working on the next page for the Ruby Comic! Going to keep the description here short. As some of you may already know that there has been a leak and i've found the one who was responsible with the help of other patrons so thank you so much for that. I will not post names of course since i don't want people going on a witch hunt on them but everything has been discussed and it was an honest mistake and from here on now, you all should know that you shouldnt post the work you paid for out there in the public if it is a project, set, multi picture, etc. unless the entire project is complete. I will update my info/disclaimers on these specifics but i feel like i shouldnt have to play the role as the "parent" in this situation to tell you all this. if any of you see any of the leaks online and have the ability to report it in anyway, please do so. thank you very much for reading and i'll get back to work for you all.