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good god, i think this might be the most layers i've ever put into one piece ever to be honest x_x this one was a real back breaker but i'm glad to have it done and here it is! after some occurrences that sprung up in real life that hindered me to continue my work, i felt too hasty into wanting to finish this. I didn't like that kind of mood or mentality so i did my best to pace myself with this page as well as your guys support into suggesting it as well c: i wanted to be sure and carefully craft each one of them and try to step up the refinements as well for each panel. Now i know i'm starting to sound a bit arrogant and boastful because i know my art is obviously far from being adequate from fundamentals especially, but for me to do comics (or just art in general) is a testament of patience which i'm still stumbling upon. However i personally feel some sort of encroachment to improving from this certain predicament of my irl situations and doing the duties and passion that needed to be done ^^

as mentioned from the WIP for this page, i really tried to achieve the dynamics of comic pages when it came to transitions and keeping the pages somewhat interesting to look at with overlaps, irregular placements and shapes of panels, and fluidity across reading the text and FX. hopefully this translated through, i have heard concerns on the direction to reading this and i tried to keep that in mind when i was placing texts. speaking of texts, i tried to give them a bit more life with just a tinge of colors and glows to emphasize the type of action it's emitting but trying to not be too intrusive of the main piece itself. to be honest, it's kind of heartbreaking sometimes knowing that some of the text/bubbles are covering pieces of the art x) another difficulty/obstacle to figure out when making a comic but i'm definitely not going to let it slow me down. thanks again for all the patience and support and i'll start working onto the 5th page!



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