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GEUUUGHH finally finished this page! and as a final verdict on my part, i definitely am comfortable when rendering with the constrained resolution :D in fact there wasn't much of a difference at all other than faster saving x) onward to what i did to this piece, i wanted to go back to an older method that i used to do when creating wet marks on a penis. that method is where i basically create a multiply layer and just blotch the area in order to create a landmark/shape of how far a character has gotten with it. i didn't like this method in the past since i could never find what kind of color i wanted to use or the color seemed so saturated or too undervalued that it either looked like slick oil or someone covered it in some sort of fruity oil. however now i learned how to avoid that problem by just playing around with the HSV slider! this way i can find a median to where its dark enough to imply the wet stains but not saturated enough to where it's an eyesore. Another thing i wanted to go back to (which i've mentioned before) was to create "texture" on the dicks i draw.

This one didn't really take much effort in figuring out again since it was an old method of what i've done in the past where instead of a streak for the highlights on the dick, i instead made "scratch-like" highlights to signify more shape and texture. On final new thing i did was revisiting how i did veins. in the past, i've complained many times on how i hated the fact that the veins didn't look like they were part of the dick. i tried many methods of changing saturations, how to shade them, highlights. rim highlights, undertones, reflective tones, etc. but i found a new method that was much simpler. the solution to what i did in this specific piece was just to simply erase the vein shading lightly or just use a higher value of color for shadows for the vein. very simple solution but it definitely worked for me! of course maybe some time in the future i'll be tired of this but at the moment, i definitely liked the outcome :3 that is all for now i suppose, onto page 3!



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