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alright! i can't believe i was able to do finish this up with the timescale i usually finish sets! right before the end of the month too :D as for the nitty gritty on the details that i usually explain within the pieces i do, it's actually been the same consistently which is mostly her bodysuit and the text. however i tried something ever so slightly different in this one in regards to the sheen of the dicks when theyre wet. I realized that my style of "sheening" dicks has changed from scrunches and squiggles to straight forward streaks. I enjoyed the streak style because it created a sense of uniformity, however i enjoyed the level of detail that the scrunch & squiggles displayed. It seemed to provide an extra tinge of detail in texture and thickness as well as creating an impression of a 3 dimensional shape. So with that being said, i tried reaching back that style in just a slight touch in this set. of course i may need to practice more on this to create that kind of illusory effect but hopefully i'll get there! As for the text, i wanted to make this the most energetic of the bunch so i tried to make the text as sporadic and spread out as possible with the intent of a look for disorder if that makes sense?

last but not least, i thought a nice touch would be to create an "energy spill" effect in the last pic to hint at the whole "mind break" on top of her head. As you all know already, this is the final part of the set so i'll be posting this publicly sometime tomorrow :o Now i know i mentioned an "after sex" image that will be coming up for this but since it's a solo piece, i want to give myself some time for that and i don't feel it would be appropriate for me to rush the image at last minute since this month is almost up. So i hope you are all ok with this, i know some of you may feel annoyed with the final pic being next month instead but i sincerely hope you understand that i want to make sure that the final piece is something i take my time to clean up and appropriate. So just a reminder, the entire set will be posted publicly some time tomorrow, final "after sex" image will be posted some time next month. hope you all enjoy!



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