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another WIP update! this WIP update, i wanted to differentiate it a little bit more since i plan to post sketches publicly as well so i decided to crop WIPs. I know it's small but i figured WIPs being cropped would make the final product a better treat c: Cropping isnt the only way i want to differentiate WIPs from sketches. WIPs are pictures that i plan on actually finishing while sketches are simply just exploratory ideas that i do not guarantee to finish.

Keep in mind that everything i say on out from here is all experimental, and with this being said, i do plan on creating a reward tier where when i start posting sketches, they will come in batches and backers from a higher tier will be able to vote on which ones i should finish first! Sketches will not be cropped of course since i want people to see the entire concept of which they would enjoy to have a valid vote. I also plan on creating a poll of some sort for people to vote on what characters to work on next and what situation should they be in! want to plan a little more before i make that twitter poll mistake i made yesterday x)



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