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All characters presented in this image are fictional, 18 years and older, and the acts depicted in this image are consensual to the individuals involved.

The first and second image is done for Mindfull! Will start investing some time into the next Raven Yang pages as the votes come into the last image vote for the Mindfull series :o Now I’ll make another separate public description for both since a lot of my thoughts on the piece really resides on the WIPs but I’ll definitely share up some new things from these two when it came to the cusp of completion. The stylization choice for this mini-series really allowed another opportunity to kind of replicate the background work from the show which was absolutely a lot more fun than I expected it to be! A lot of very visible brush work to grant very simple texture, fragmented lighting to support the form, very “cut out” like work similar to making a collage, it was all fun to do! Of course it isn’t exactly like the show, not even close, but trying to echo those elements was a blast for sure. The only time I believe I felt I replicated aspects of it in old SU work I’ve done was probably just the light effects such as the diamond light shapes or the glow streaks.

Onto the second image, most notably the bottom half of it, I had trouble choosing between whether I should have light and colors indicating the time of day or removing that completely to grant clarity. On one hand, the effects granted the passage of time as well as color variation as you scrolled down, but on the other hand, there were tones that became muddled or hidden with the effects. But I went and gathered the opinions of many friends and artists on it and they all unanimously agreed to leave the colored effects in and I’ll trust their word on it since I can’t really trust my own eyes x) again, will make more of a collective thought process in the description once this becomes public but hope you guys like!



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