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All characters presented in this image are fictional, 18 years and older, and the acts depicted in this image are consensual to the individuals involved.

Check out Discord for your rewards! As promised, will try to provide more WIPs and some random sketches along the way to have more frequent updates. Right now, I got the base mix that I want, just blocking down values and color elements that I want to be present and once I establish what I want, I’ll move onto refining it, lighting fixtures to harmonize the scene, fx, cleanups and whatnot. I gotta fix the nose for sure haha. also playing around with Raven’s black palette a little more and giving it subtle differences. What I mean by this is that I didn’t want her to be entirely just a whole black figure so to give her variation on that palette, I made her attire a slightly blue tint and her hair a slight brown and green tint which I think helps bring out the reds in her outfit. It looks so wonky posting the mid process showing the internal linework without any shading haha but this is how it is so far. Enjoy!



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