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All characters presented in this image are fictional, 18 years and older, and the acts depicted in this image are consensual to the individuals involved.

Pollinated 12 is done! Ok so firstly, I’d just want to mention that I will be posting this publicly on it’s own rather than in sets. My constant bickering about time and all that with classes is getting in the way so I think it’s just generally best to post these individually or at least to a degree less than the 3 batch I usually do. Other than that, tried just a minor couple of things for this one! I was studying backs and what parts to emphasize like the scapula and so on and I found that most backs (at least average ones) were quite “irregular” sometimes in their structure when flexed, shun with hard lighting and so on. Of course that’s not always the case but I thought it’d be more interesting to do rather than perfect symmetry or just a copy+paste flip.

I’m more concerned with symmetry in the front anyway since it’s the identity of what the character is. Also to reduce the problems I’m having with color (display port and hdmi are fucky atm) I had to email myself the image and send the process of this image to my friends with their monitors and I had to go back and forth in figuring out if it’s relatively accurate from the previous existing images (another reason to just post the set images more individually than 3 batches). Hopefully it looks accurate on your guys end. Lastly, tried to fight the urge to not keep it “clean” and put as much variation to the energy in here like I do with Ruby’s workout such as motion blurs, sfx, outlines indicating if theyre shocked along with sparks, etc. hope you guys like!



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