Ruby's Workout Page 30 (Patreon)
30 is here! took a while for this page just doing Yangs hair multiple times. Since Im definitely weak when it comes to rendering long hair, maybe having this bombardment of doing it may help ease me into figuring faster methods into doing it more efficiently hopefully. Also I went and tried understanding more of thicker liquid shape when it shoots in strands rather than just the rendering of it itself. Ive become relatively satisfied with how I render it now but Ive felt like Ive neglected the shape and physics side of it so recently I tried studying 2d styles of it that I enjoy like Sindolls rendition for theyre more prominent in simplifying how it lands on surfaces. Hopefully that shows on the bottom right image where I attempted to experiment with that kind of motion a little more. Ultimately not the greatest attempt of course but it was definitely a more interesting approach. Took a bit of time but hope you all like!