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All characters presented in this image are fictional, 18 years and older, and the acts depicted in this image are consensual to the individuals involved.

Wanted to build more on my OC Palette but I went and made her parents instead. This is her momma and pops, the King and Queen of Nothings and Maybes. The father doesn’t have a name but just known as the King of Nothing and the mothers name I’m debating whether to call her Mirage or Chroma (totally stealing from Warframe at this point). Speaking of which, the inspiration of her design was mostly from the original design of the Ember Deluxe skin. For the father, the inspiration was from Princess Mononoke and used the design of the boar god who turned into this wormy thing. The left image is when they are showing royalty and in public while the right is when theyre casual and relaxin.

The rings represents their minds in that they are mostly concluded, however when distraught or tempered, it will distort, shatter, shake, change colors, etc. Planning on giving Palette another form, one of those generic demi forms or something and will try to incorporate a mix of these 2’s design to show how she genetically is. I don’t want to get into every bit of detail as to why the designs are what they are but that’s the gist of it so far c: probably not something you guys would like to see but I wanted to have a bit of fun designing stuff I wanted to make haha.



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