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Finally completed the Amber pic! Boy did this carry a lot of weight during the process. Perspective is definitely messed, the grass is not seamless when approaching foreground, horse perspective is a bit wonky and to top it all off, the coloring and lighting doesn't seem like it fits appropriately with characters and background. hell those binding don't even look like theyre tight x) Tackled on a bunch of problems with minimal solutions or tedious do-overs which came out kind of unsatisfying. It's weird, sometimes i like the sketch more so than i like the final products of my works, but i feel admitting that is an excuse for me not fleshing things out to see the problems of my work when it comes to correlational nuances with drawing, understanding shape, perspective, lighting, etc.

I may be being overdramatic about it, i don't know, but it's like having an itch that you can scratch whenever you want but if you do, you just make it worse unless you apply the right treatment? what a shitty analogy lol but i hope the point came across. anyway, i'm sorry for the wait on this, i don't want to make it sound like i'm fishing for comments or whatever but i didn't feel satisfied technique-wise when it came to this piece, as opposed to the concept.



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