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So, Happy Halloween to everyone! I hope your holiday went well, because I really had a horror 😱

But let's take it in order. 

Bad news!

My HDD and SSD broke all at once and because of that, I lost almost all my Blender models. 

On the one hand, this is bad. Because all the corrections and improvements that I did are now gone and I will have to do everything all over again. I tried to restore my models folder, but unfortunately to no avail :c

On the other hand. This is good to some extent. Because I haven't updated my OS since 2020. And it was filled with all sorts of shit that I could barely sort :D

Good news!

All my WIP's and Commission files are saved! Therefore, I will continue to work on all my projects without any problems. I managed to finish the animation with Raven and now i only need to do is add the sound! Also, I need to start restoring all my content that I lost, but this is not a problem, i guess.

Thanks everyone for your support! ♥ And again, belatedly, I wish you Happy Halloween! 


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