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Heya! There has been no news for a long time, so now I will tell you what I have new.   

First of all, I'm done with moving (no, it's not related to Ukraine). So now I can take on all my WIP's. And I also updated my RAM so now i have 64 GB of it (and still it's not much for some scenes :D). But in general, it has become faster to work.

Talking about WIP's. 

I have finished working on Harley short. I've already rendered some of it. Therefore, it remains for me to finish with the rest of the animation and start making sound (or rather, it will not be done by me, but by HentAudio, with whom I cooperate).
Next, i'm going to finish the Raven animation.

In it, I slightly increased the length of the animation, since in the old version it seemed too short to me. Also I didn't really like the environment and I'm going to change it to something else, but I think I've found the right one.
The Triss Merrigold animation.

With this animation, I'll wait a bit. Because, I'm waiting for when LordBreastish to finish working on his models. Therefore, I will be able to work with more comfortable models (maybe I'll change the man to futa, we'll see :D)

That's all for now. Until the next updates ❤ 



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