Hello there! (Patreon)
Let's talk. First of all, I want to wish you all good holidays! And thank you for your support :3
I've said many times that you're all very cool and you know what ? I'll keep saying that because you're really cool! All of you! I will try to make more stuff this year and hope I can.
Now let me tell you about some changes.
1) As you've seen, I've added a poll's. I think it would be cool if you can choose characters for animations.
2) Tier 4 (10$). Now I will make new animations - long range non-looped animations. - It's will be something like last GnomFist animation with Mercy. I hope :D
- These animations will only be available for this tier and later for public.
3) Short's. - I'm still working. Release - February. I need to figure out some things.
4) Commissions - I still have to finish some. It's just the holidays, you know... So I'll try to finish by the end of the week :p
Well, i guess, it's all. With love, your MidnightSFM :3