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All Iceberg Tier Patrons please have your requests sent to me via DM or private message by Wednesday, the 19th.

1 Character Limit (No exceptions)

NO THICC-VERSE ADDITIONS (Thicc counterparts or pre-existing Thicc-Verse characters are acceptable but I'm going to have to place a lock on additions to the canon verse I've made)

Examples below:



Thiccverse star in her mewberty form/outfit. (full body) outfit/form reference: https://sta.sh/26wgv55vgff pose reference: https://sta.sh/0285crk3vb64 note: if you feel you need to take some liberties when it comes posing/spacing the arms feel free to do so. I don't want you to feel too restrained. dialogue: hii mmarrrcoo


An NSFW of Thicc-Verse Sid Chang wearing nothing but thongs Example: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/82919153 Position & Reference: https://thiccversebeyond.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2641