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Hey everyone! I've got some stuff I wanted to share with you all.

I'm beefing up my social presence so both patrons and non-patrons can inquire, discuss or just chat with me about the game development.

Until now, my only contact has been through Patreon which only allows you to contact a creator if you pledge to them. I came to realize this much later than I should have, to be quite honest with you.

Long overdue, I'll be setting up a number of things in the next few weeks such as email, Twitter, Discord & an official website. Today, I've set up an email that you can contact me directly with your questions, suggestions and anything in-between.

You can reach me at dfgumdropgames@gmail.com

I've also included the email at the top of the developer page so you don't have to search for this post in the future. I'll be using this email temporarily until I get my website domain up and running, then I'll update you with any new addresses.

I've also launched my Twitter and Discord today, however I'm still putting some of the pieces together and will link it once everything is glued nicely.

As with most discords in this vein, there will be channels for both public and patron-only discussions. Whether or not you support the development, feel free to DM me on Twitter or join the Discord if you want to talk to me on a regular basis.

The website will be the final implementation, acting as an extended version of the Patreon page without any omitted details or images. Additionally, having a developer site independent from a company seems to be a smart move in the wake of last week's sweeping. More news on the site later!

Thank you for bearing another lengthy cluster of paragraphs, my friends. Hopefully you're also looking forward to a more tight-knit relationship with me!

Gumdrop Games


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