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Last page! Wheeee! Might draw more tomorrow, please bear with me, I got a muse going.



Aaron Loessberg-Zahl

Aww, that was cute! I really enjoyed this little series.


Kayla I gotta say this short comic really showed the intimacy and tenderness of making love. Like wow u really showcases it off here. It was steamy yet sweet. I kinda hope to see more like this with your other ships ;)

Savage Shark

Aww ♥ Grillby is just a nice fire guy. I love this page, very cute and romantic ♥♥♥ The feet snuggle is a very nice touch. Don't see that in many comics like this.

Savage Shark

Keep riding that Muse of yours. This is the best page of your set. Hope we can see more Grillby X Frisk love like this again. Even just some of the hazards and risk taking of having a boss / lover whose made of fire. XD


Hot damn, heh.... Never thought I'd like this ship, but you make it work oh so well.