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So I was reading the exit surveys of patrons stopping their pledge. Let me just say, thank you for supporting my patreon in the first place, it means a lot to me.

Other surveys I read that folks weren't happy about the content that was being posted, or I wasn't doing enough content. If other patrons are feeling the same way, feel free to let me know. I think I'd feel better knowing whether I'm making my patrons happy or not with the content.

I don't just focus on one particular subject, hence why I change it around every month, as I'm involved with a lot of fandoms.

I've also read that I'm not as engaging. I've been doing my best to make more threads in which patrons can input their own opinions in. Any suggestions? Or anything you'd like to see more of from me? Happy patrons means a happy me as well, knowing that I'm making you guys happy and wanting to support my Patreon.



Well I for one am happy with what you've been doing and will continue to support you. But in terms of some constructive criticism, perhaps you can do some polls asking what your Patreons what they'd want to see for a particular month. It usually makes us feel more engaged. Your free request streams are always a treat so if possible in your busy schedule increase those even if it's just a bit, and lastly, ask your Patreons what they love to see you draw most. You might be surprised and find you have a ton of Twibra fans or fans of MaxhxAshlynn or many of your other wonderful characters who people would like to see you doodle more :) And that's just my 2 cent, know that I love your content and will continue to support you :D

Savage Shark

I think having some variety in the month works great. As you said gives you a chance too explore other fandoms from Sonic, Undertale, FNAF and so on. Honestly, my only request for next time is revisiting the FNAF universe. Either with your Security Guard & Foxy or a more in depth look at the Pirate AU. Maybe even just a chacne too see another comic featuring the Security Guard having silly fun antics with Foxy? Not so much of the "She gets stuffed in a suit", I get it's part of the game lore, but I'm partial to some of the silly, romance and smut you do for your comics and stories. Keep doing what you're doing with your work and patreon

Savage Shark

Oh and one more thing I'd like too add: Can we see more of your take on the The Ancient Magus' Bride pairing? :3 You had a few drawings in the past and they were well done, seems like it ended to soon.


I am a pretty happy patreon personally! I came on board during your undertail drawings but really all of your art is pretty fricken rad... Your dragons are grade A btw. Can't speak for others but dragons, undertale and That ancient magus bride... glorious.


I'm ecstatic as a patron and wish I could donate more a month! If you want two cents, then the polls idea sounds great that way we have a little more engagement with you. Though keep up the great work!


I’m pretty ok with what you’re doing. I do like that you change different fandoms with each month. Although I do like the ideas the others have of putting it into a vote. Like the top 3 will be the themes for the next 3 months and such. (Once the Sonic Month is over that is x3 )Other than that, you’re doing a great job and been enjoying everything you have put out. Keep it up.


Like everyone here, I'm pretty happy with the amount of contents (whenever I can sneak in a peek while at work). Honestly, my 2 cents would be to do whatever work best with your schedule. I personally like the pace you have atm, but if you feel like you can fit more in and keeping the quality of the work awesome (like you always have), then by all means go for it. I know quality work take times, and the most important thing is your happiness and health. Keep up the awesome work and stay boopy!~☆


I think the amount of content I get each month is great. $5 for several quality adult art pieces which are almost always highly relevant to my interests is a great deal. Honestly, I'd be happy just using this for supporting you for what you post on Tumblr (but getting the uncensored versions here is an awesome bonus).