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I've been trying to find a balance on terms of keeping both Patrons and Non-Patrons happy on terms of posting content. Are you guys happy with the amount of pictures and requests that are produced per month? unhappy? As much as I'd like to keep both sides of the table happy, I fear that it's just a waste of time in the end. No matter what I do, non-patrons seem to be unhappy with the amount of art that I post that isn't censored or related to patreon, despite how much art I post monthly.

So, if you guys aren't happy with the amount of art that's posted, I'm just going to focus primarily on the folks that are donating to me monthly. As much as I appreciate ALL of my fans, you guys are the ones that are taking the appreciation of my art a step further by giving me funds to help pay off my student loans.



As a patron, I am unhappy, and would rather you focus on posting art to everybody. You currently have a bad reputation for heavy censoring, Patreon spam, and a completely ridiculous system of content locking. It's probably a lot of work for you, and it sucks for your fans, paying *and* non-paying. Just make stuff public: Nobody cares about exclusivity. Just post the art. Hell, I'd bump my donation *up* if that happened.


I'm fine with how you do things. The only thing I do find a bit odd is how some art can only be found on your tumblr, why not have it all available to the funders in the folder? Sure, the stuff I'm talking about is the safe stuff, but I don't see the efficacy in this" half art is here and the other half here" way. But I digress, it's up to you and you still have my support.

Viro Veteruscy

Hmm... Honestly, I pledge because I enjoy your artwork. I don't think I even noticed the amount of censored content you may have, though I'd prefer if things were uncensored but that's just from a censorship stand point. In terms of balance, best I can say is have content that doesn't suggest that people are missing out on something. If there is something that is for Patreon then have a brief spotlight for it in case people are interested and if there is something that can be posted for both patrons/non-patrons then just post normally. In my case, I have some content available for non-patrons with suggestions to pledge for more if they want it. Stuff like comics, depending on certain ones, are withheld a month apart so if people want to know what happens sooner then they can pledge. Honestly, I think it should be me asking what you're doing right so I can try to improve on my Patreon lol >w< but I simply did not notice the complaints you were getting cause I didn't feel that you were doing anything wrong. If you still need a more clear answer from me then I say keep doing what you're doing. Hope that helps in some way *hugs*


I've never had an issue with the balance. I feel as though you're prolific enough to provide content for both patreon and non-patreon folks that there is no gap. There are an extremely low number of days where I'll pop on and you haven't drawn work for either party, regardless of whether they are censored or not. As far as Non-Patrons go? Honestly, I always hit up those folks who support the most first, whether its via money, word of mouth, or just spreading around the fact things exist. You clearly have a large amount of people who are more than willing to support you to negate the folks that don't want to. You have proof that if they're supporting you now, chances are they will support you later, no matter the fandom you're in, no matter the day or time. Those folks will always come first, because they're reliable. Folks outside? It's not your responsibility to -keep- them happy. You can make them happy by throwing a bone their way here and there to generate interest, but you're by no means responsible for keeping it that way, especially if you have no way of knowing whether they support you or not. Posting content for me has always been about just generating interest. If it makes someone happy enough to support me, I've done my job. If someone doesn't care about what I post, because it doesn't affect them one way or another, it doesn't help me or them, and so I don't see a reason to explicitly focus on those types of folks.


I've been a Patreon for about a year and a half and have been very satisfied with the content you've released. But if I were to fairly critique you, I'd say more monthly themes and request and PWYW streams to generate Patreon loyalty would do you wonders. There are a few months where I feel like we didn't get a whole lot in the Dropbox. As for the balance of Patreon and free postings, try to balance it out. For example I'm sure you have a lot of art from the past that was removed from when you last FA, why not post that for free to balance out Patreon content. And in my opinion try not to advertise TOO much on FA cause after a while it wears on those who don't plan on doing so. Like a commercial that plays over and over for a product you don't plan on getting. It must be done not in excess. (Just my opinions of course) overall I love what you've been doing and will continue to support.


I am happy with the amount of art you are putting out :) I joined this patreon so that i can support your awesome art so please keep doing what you do best and stay awesome!


I was amazed by the amount of non patreon art you posted. But then I pledged anyway. :)


As a new patreon, I find your content satisfying, and tasteful. If I was to request, I'd like to see more Undertale. Particularly the Underlust 😉


You know what I would request regarding content XD But no, I wouldn't say it's a case of non-patrons griping about the lack of free updates. I feel like the vocal minority are the ones that are dead set against Patreon as a concept.


I dunno, to me patreon is more about supporting artists you like rather than paying for a product or service, the art is just a bonus.


Remember, you can't make everyone happy. You have been doing a great job at balancing both free art and exclusive art. People are always going to complain for wanting something they can't get. No matter how hard you try, for them its either all or nothing and no in-betweens. This past month you have done SO MUCH for both Pateron and free art, you have gone above and beyond for how much you have given. I for one am happy for what you have done lately and couldn't ask for more then that. I know its easier said then done but you need to ignore the people who are complaining about not seeing your art. You have given a lot of free art along with exclusive art and that's more then what a lot of artists do. If they don't understand it by this point a year after you started your Pateron then they never will. You keep doing the awesome work and those who support you either financially or by faving/commenting on your gallery will be there for you.


If there was a slight increase in the art posted to patreon I would be happy. This is not me saying I am unhappy, as I am quite content with how much comes out a month. I am however with lynsie gallant. Anything you have posted out to the public having its own public folder and included in the patreon monthly list would be wonderful. This way we can see all your work. Just a soft idea, if you chose not to go that route, I wouldn't complain.


i'm newly entered now that my financial situations are stabilizing, so my opinion as to how much you update lacks foundation. Running my own Patreon i've come to realize, is difficult to get any feedback with (People are busy, i suppose.) So i'mma try and help with that. ♥ So far the quality of your work has excelled and i believe explains the intervals of released content. It takes time. While people will always want to see more of a good thing, the recommended amount of work you do should be comfortable for yourself. You get overwhelmed with obligation, it stops being something you want to enjoy and put all your effort into, which is ultimately what everyone wants in this Patreon because the spirit of enjoyment enhances the quality of the work.


I think you can keep your own rithym. Increase the production can tire you faster, and decrease the quality of your works. Keep the good job, girl! You're doing fine!


I think you're doing a beautiful job with all the work that you post and make available for download each month, and it's great quality. I hope to start my own patreon soon, and one of my worries is content versus quality. YOU my dear, are doing wonderfully well on both ends. So keep up the good work and try not to let other folks and their complaints get you up at night. 😄😍😍😘


I'm happy with the amount your putting out. You have a life to balance on top of this as well, so I don't mind if it takes more time for things. I'm in college too so trust me I understand.