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Hey, everyone. I'm back home, under my own roof from the hospital. Thank  you everyone that prayed for me and my operation's success. I am very  tired. I'm still in no shape to do any sort of work, and my  surgeon/endocrinologist specifically told me to get rest while my  incision heals. No lifting, no strenuous work, and low impact exercise  to get my strength back. Next week I have a few appointments to go to,  including getting the surgical staples removed from my body once my body  has healed.

On a flip note, my doctors told me that I no longer have to use insulin,  but still should check my blood sugar twice a day just to be sure. Lots  of things to talk about.

So, again, if you're waiting for a commission and don't want to wait, I  can give you a full refund, no questions asked. I'll understand. I'm  going to be getting my stuff back into the house and resting for now, as  well as getting food, so I may be slow to respond in discord, messages,  or on e-mails.



Anything we can do to help?


I’m very happy to heal your surgery was a success. You feel better soon. And no longer taking insulin sounds great too. Rest up

The One Hammer

Glad to hear that you’re home! Take it easy, you deserve it!


Just gimmie some time to heal and I'll be back in the saddle to start working again. Believe me, I want to work, but I'ma listen to my surgeon when they say I need to rest.


Congrats on the successful operation! Get plenty of rest and recover your strength, we can wait!

Gravo Guthaus

I'm so glad the surgery was successful. I wish you a fast recovery and wish you a great rest of the weekend. Stay safe. :3


Good to hear that your surgery went smoothly, and yeah, take as much time as you need to recover. We will all be here for you when you are back on your feet again. :)


Glad you're ok!