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I sent a message to Patrons whose payments were declined. Also found a bunch of pledges pulled, roughly $300 - $400 worth. I won't be offering early donation access except for higher tiered patrons ($25 and up). That being said, it seems a lot of fake patrons tend to pick the higher tiered option, so I'm going to offer early access to those folks. If they don't respond, I will be removing their pledge.

I'm really disappointed that people are baiting like this, but not much that I can do. I appreciate those that are legit, and are continuing to support me. Thank you.

~ Kayla


Viro Veteruscy

Likewise, gonna do the same. More power to ya


I also hate those frauds.And I just completed my payment in this month.always support creative artists. :)

Xaldon Ajide

I support whom I choose to support, and I sopport those that make content that I actually like. Simple as that. keep making good content. Frauds should find another way of getting their content, because this stuff is getting old and eventually we'll start getting tired of this and ban the IP on top of the account.


what some artists do is make a highest patron reward option with the description of not to pledge to it because you'll be blocked. Bots tend to go for the highest reward options automatically, so this is a good way to do a sweep =o


Can't say much that I already haven't said before, but It's still just down right disrespectful for them to do shit like this. At least you still have a lot of good friends who support you, I for one feel good every time my donations help you.


I was looking this up, even though this was an issue a while a go, do you still have the issue, i'm having it currently and ALL of my patrons are fake it seems, any advice to deal with them?


yeah, not much can be done when you get a member who declines or bounces after a preview reward. freeloaders are on every platform