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Honestly, I don't know if I'm interested enough to work on this. I lost contact with my friend that greatly influenced me, and helped me develop Gwen, my Foodog character. Every time I look at her now I just get depressed and not want to draw her at all. So I've been trying to come up with a solution for the next comic I intend to work on for Patreon that isn't rule 34 related.


Viro Veteruscy

You don't have to do something you're not interested in doing. Just have fun with an idea whether it's adult or not. Not a bad thing to just go "Weeeee!" some days :3


Just do you for now. As much I like to see two ladies go at it on the Big Mac, if you're not having fun doing it, then just put it on pause.


Well, thats a bummer tbh. Ah well, lets see what other original comic comes up.

Savage Shark

I would say get back in touch with your friend online and just chat for a bit. If the subject comes up talk to them about Gwen. You could just rework her design and character if either is not appealing anymore. Nothing should be set in stone when it comes to your own work. Just have fun with it.


You and Airu should talk. You 2 were so chummy together. I miss the fruits of your friendship and the art you both made. I love both of your work. That being said as much as I'd love to see this comic that you had planned I know things don't always work out the way you want it. But I'd still love to see something from Big Mack and Ashlynn who I haven't seen in a while. But most importantly I hope u and Airu chat soon :) your the best Kayla, can't wait to see what u have in store for us.