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Just gunna pick from what was suggested, but what pairings would you like to see sketched out this month?



Nephrite from SU😆

George Humleker Jr.

Choices, choices.... April O'Neil and Casey Jones from the 2003 TMNT show?


Remember your older character Gwen? Maybe her with someone

Savage Shark

How about Susie from Delta Rune or if you're tired of that, what about some more of your pokemon breeder, Darq?

Zac Polk

Any of the characters from Monster Hunter with a monster


I wouldn’t mind seeing Jewel with that Beatric lover of hers. I am still quite curious about that mini comic you were doing on her

Songbird of Zeon

Moenbryda and Urianger from FFXIV?

bradley feckner

Just so you know In the 2003 version of tmnt both Casey and April are around 23 at the beginning and 27 at the end they even have kids

bradley feckner

Personally either Steiner and Beatrix or Marcus and ruby from final fantasy 9


I really miss Gigi the Guilmon and her Flamedramon boyfriend.


This is super old but maybe something with springtrap


I'm always a fan of Poké Ash + Mac, but I understand if you're still talking a break from them!


Maybe something with a Lucario, or an anthro Luxray?


Personally I'd like to see what other hijinks Jewel gets up to when not spying on AC and Rudy


Wouldn't mind more of your ffxiv character and her hubby.


How about your new arcanine oc with someone?