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I'm currently being bombarded by fake Patreon pledges on Patreon (They're spamming $99 so Patreon doesn't automatically take money the moment they pledge a high amount of money)

Not sure I can do anything about it, but seriously, that's not cool. You can't stop piracy, but messing with someone's income just because you don't get over your hateboner is not cool at all.



This is why people should have to pay up front before being confirmed patrons.


Yeah I noticed. Hopefully Patreon can do something about it.


Yeah, I guess that's why I received 114 emails in the last 5 minutes... I've already written to support about issue.


I was wondering why my email inbox was downloading a new patreon email every second.


I suggest you all email patreon support about it. They're very supportive about this sort of thing. Multiple reports will get action.

Savage Shark

lol man I don't know what the spam is about, but I got several alerts that you passed your $4K mark. I guess Congratulations are in order.


Noted. Email inbox being bombarded


Contact Patreon and explain to your Patrons there might be a delay in the releasing of rewards next month until this gets cleared up? I'm sure they'll understand.

David Ewell

What a jackhole.


This is nothing short of idiotic. Either the immaturity of someone has reach an all time new high, or Isis now has it in for patreon... probably the 1st one.


Seeing how Patreon takes a percentage of each person's intake when they make the card charges, it would be interesting to see if they'd be willing to pursue legal action themselves since who ever is doing this has pushed the payout to over 2million dollars. That's a lot of money for them to go and ignore on their part.

Crimson Flare

Wow... 129 new email messages from Patreon =O Such asswipes. Hope something can be done about them!


Incorrect. The fact that it worked, and that they knew not to pay more than $99 proves that they were not idiots, that they knew what they were doing.


Curiously asking, are those emails have three digit numbers in their email adress?