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Mother's day is next month, so I decided to dedicate the month of May to honor the lovely women that have brought you and I into the world, as well as brought some of our favorite characters to everyone. :3 MILF Month will include: Cheecake Pinups, Preggy Pics (Nothing extreme, just admiration of the female form whilst carrying a baby), sexy preggy pics, and female characters in romantic and sexual situations with their significant others. Characters to expect: Ashlynn Martinez Shi'Zayla (Ashlynn's Mother) Lucy Hayes (Gwen's Mother) Falcina (Ashlynn's Sister-In-Law, Tenebrous' wife) Mrs. Cup Cake (MLP) Twilight Velvet (MLP, Twilight Sparkle's mother) Vanilla the Rabbit (Sonic the Hedgehog) I'm hoping to get to all of these characters, here's hoping! https://www.patreon.com/Kayla_Na




Oh cant wait for this an thank you for treating us to this lovely event. ^^

Lord Chaos

MIlf's need loving too.


Hurray! :D


Wow I don't think I've ever seen you draw Falcina before, we don't see too much of Tenebrous or his family, can't wait for next month ^^


Hey do you still plan on drawing Shi'Zayla and Falcina before the month ends or any preggy pics?