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Hey you guys. I know I mentioned this before but it's worth repeating. My patreon will be going through a major overhaul next month on how I'll be running it. Some upcoming changes:

- Some Patreon tiers will be adjusted

- Patreon content will be majorly adjusted, and will be more comic-oriented. One voted pinup per month with variations. Two-Three comic pages per month. Comics will be alternated each month to work on stories that have been put on the backburner (Excluding Underlust, that will not be worked on).

- Once the goal has been reached for requests (The one sitting at 85%), Patrons will be able to ask for requests of characters they'd like to see drawn in sketch form. Until then, I will just draw sketches of stuff that I'm into at the time.

- Patreon content will be on a timed release for public posting. Patrons get new art first. Then it will be posted to the general public after 1 - 3 months have passed for that month's content.

More to be announced.



Have you considered finishing Big Mac Sandwich, the cover art for that looked like a fun premise of a comic?


Sounds good! c-: Can't wait to see the changes soon!