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After thinking about it long and hard, I feel it is time to change my Patreon on terms of how it's run. There's going to be changes in the tiers on terms of the amount, rewards, etc etc. The content on Patreon will also change as well.

This is going to be a pretty drastic change for us, but close friends of mine, and myself talked it over on how this change could potentially be better for me and you guys in the long run.

Pinups: EVERYONE will be able to vote on what will be drawn for the month. One major pinup for the month, with variations (IE. SFW, NSFW, etc)

Requests: I would very much like to go back to requests, but the goal needs to be reached, so in its stead, I'll be providing sketches of various characters that tickle my fancy at the time in place until that goal is reached.

Comics: This is a big one. I have a lot of unfinished comics that haven't gone past a few pages that I'd really like to see done. I'm proposing that I do one or two pages a month on one comic, then the next month, I work on another comic, and so forth. It will be slower this way for comics to get finished, but at the very least, they're being WORKED ON.

Some Comics I'd Like to start on/Finish

- Dragon Tamer

- Full Moon Fever

- A Bath for Two

- Legend of Spyro: The Bargain

Timed Release: Patreon content will be released to the public in a two- three month period. For example, content in January, will be released in March. Content in February will be released in April.

There are other things that will be changing, but these are the major ones I'd like to focus on. I'll have my PR manager Rattlecat, and my close friends to help keep me on track so I'll stick to this new program. There will be less content, yes, in a manner of speaking, but everyone will be on the same page of what you're going to get each month. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions, I'd love to hear them from you guys.



Ah, I was wondering what happened with a bath for two. I'm looking forward to the upcoming changes nonetheless.


I'm happy to hear you'll be going back to continue old incomplete comics. I hope these changes make things easier for you. Some comics you have incomplete I'm eager to see. I look forward to the changes


Roger Roger