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This is only the first portion of Gray's epilogue, as second part includes a major moment that is a lot more satisfying if played through instead of read as code. That being said, I simplified the text to make it semi-readable, so please keep in mind that the epilogue you get in-game will do a much better job of reflecting your choices. For example, I deleted most options here in favor of only showing the one taken.

Each RO has their own epilogue, as does Singleton Button and Vengeance Button. Every RO epilogue file is over 10,000 words (one particular character's file is over double that), because there's a LOT of variability to reflect your choices made during game playthrough. 

I considered providing an option to break things off with your RO in the epilogue, but it felt random and kinda went against the whole point of evening having the little slice of fluff at the end. So romance with caution, because love lasts in Mind Blind.

* * * *

It’s over.

The battle is won, the villain defeated, and the princess rescued (although Nick still grumbles when you call him that).

*if (NPOtraining)

     Almost four years have passed since you saved Chicago; not entirely without incident, of course, given your line of work. During your sophomore year, a disgraced AMO tried to murder you. Twice. There was also the time that you were kidnapped by a cult . . .

*if (Interpersonal > 50)

    although that particular incident ended up working to your advantage after you convinced the cultists to anoint you as their high priest.

*elseif (Insightful > 50)

    although that particular incident ended up working to your advantage after you pointed out the flaws in their doctrine and rewrote their religious texts to embrace a more pro-Ment philosophy.

*elseif (Innovative > 50)

    although that particular incident ended up working to your advantage, since it provided you an opportunity to demolish their central compound.

*elseif (Effort > 50)

    although that particular incident ended up working to your advantage, since it provided you with an opportunity to set fire to their central compound. The arson had been accidental, the result of knocking over one of the ritual candles lit for your sacrifice, but you decided not to include that detail in your report.


    although that particular incident ended up working to your advantage, since Grayson’s rescue had involved a significant amount of manhandling.

Best of all, Grayson and you . . .


#Are still a couple. Gray comes by Nick’s house every morning to drive me to Aeon.

#Now live together. Nick complains that our condo is a half-hour drive away, but he’s secretly relieved that we’re located out of his resting brainrange.

#Are engaged. I proposed to Grayson last year, after the cultist incident.

The engine of Gray’s motorcycle rumbles up the driveway, and you grab your ${crimson} helmet from the foyer side table. Nick calls out to you from the kitchen just as you’re about to leave.

“Mom and Dad are flying in this morning,” he reminds you. “I’ll pick them up from the airport and then head to the ceremony.”

“I’m just glad that they were able to get away from the press storm,” you say. Since the ~BIG REVEAL REDACTED SPOILERS~, your parents have been on diplomacy duty, in turns apologizing and defending Unity’s decision to hide ~BIG SPOILERS~.

“Adsila wasn’t happy,” Nick concedes, “but Mom refused to miss this graduation.”


#“I understand wanting to make up for lost time, but she’s become a bit smothering.”

“She’s still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that her baby’s all grown up,” Nick says, stepping out into the hallway. “She’s a little overprotective right now, but she’ll get there.”

*if (Npartner)

    He grins ruefully. “I did.”

*elseif (Nprotector)

    He grins ruefully. “I will, too. Eventually.”

You roll your eyes. “I’m old enough to rent my own car now, you know.”

“But then your doting boyfriend would be deprived of your arms around him every morning,” Nick points out. “Speaking of said boyfriend, you should probably head out. Don’t want to be late on your last day.”

You pause at the threshold, then look back at your brother. Nick has been there for you through . . . well, through [i]everything[/i]. Eight years ago, he stepped into the position of guardian when your parents were unable. He was your protector, advocate, and personal chef all rolled into one older brother.

Over these past four years, Nick’s role has changed: he’s both cheerleader and advisor, sibling and friend.

*if (Npartner)

    He’s also learned to let you go, supporting your choices instead of attempting to oversee them. Nick, as he is today, would never have been caught in Aeon’s explosion. He would trust you to succeed without his presence.

*if (Nprotector)

    He’s done his best to let you go and support your choices instead of trying to oversee them.

You’ll see Nick at the graduation ceremony, but the two of you may not have a chance to talk much.


#I rush towards my brother and wrap him in a tight hug.

#“I love you,” I say. Nick already knows, but sometimes it’s important to say it out loud.

#[i]Love you, ${Nicholas},[/i] I think at Nick.

#“I’m going to miss you once I move out,” I admit. “A little.”

Nick squeezes you back, treasuring the moment and quietly absorbing in all the feelings that your mind is undoubtedly blasting his way. Affection, gratitude, and an unconditional love that’s been tested only to emerge even stronger. You can’t hear Nick’s thoughts the way that he can yours, but you’re certain beyond doubt that everything which you feel towards your brother, he reciprocates ten-fold.

Nick pulls away first, his ${eyes} eyes glistening suspiciously. “Gray’s waiting,” he says roughly. “I’ll see you soon, ${Button}.”

“See you soon, ${Nicholas},” you reply.


Outside, Gray is leaning against his bike, his cellphone to his ear. Upon spotting you, his expression lights up. Every single morning, Grayson gives you that same doofy, eager smile, and every morning your heart warms at the sight.

“Change of plans,” he says. “You’re playing hooky from school.”


#I put a hand to my chest and gasp theatrically. “Grayson Black, are you encouraging me to be a delinquent?”

Gray rubs the back of his neck with a self-deprecating smile. “Not exactly,” he admits. “I informed Adsila that you’d be taking the morning off to have brunch with your parents.”

“My parents don’t fly in until eleven,” you remind him.

Grayson feigns shock. “Really?” he says. “You’ll have to make do with just me, then.”

“Oh my. Fortitude told a lie?” You stride towards Gray and run your hands up his chest, enjoying the way that his pupils dilate at the contact. You lean in close and whisper into his ear, “I always did appreciate a bad boy.”

*if (height = "tall") or (height = "very tall")

    Gray’s low groan reverberates beneath your splayed palms, and his mouth meets yours.


    Gray’s low groan reverberates beneath your splayed palms, and his mouth descends upon yours.

The kiss is one born of both passion and familiarity, all the sweeter because of practiced expertise. Gray pulls you close, his hands on your waist so that you’re pressed flush against his body. Your thoughts guide his motions, silently instructing him where to taste and where to touch. He responds to your every wish, whispering his own desires against your lips whenever you both pause to inhale.

You could spend the rest of your life kissing Grayson Black.

“The rest of our lives?” Gray murmurs. “I’d like that.”

The sound of glass rattling breaks you apart, and you turn to see Nick pounding on the front window from within the house while sticking out his tongue with a grossed-out expression. Grayson flips your brother off, but the tips of his ears still pinken with embarrassment at being caught.

“Let’s go,” your boyfriend says. “I have something to show you.”



Love this. My one thing is why can’t Grayson propose to us instead 😭😭😭 lol


Oh, he very much can! Being already engaged is just if your Button is the proactive sort.


If we don't get a one shot of Button and Gray marrying I will cry


My personal headcanon re: Button/Gray engagement: A similar scenario to the cookie situation in chapter 5. Button presents him with an engagement ring, only for him to immediately crack up and reveal a ring box of his own. I'm really looking forward to the epilogue, particularly the interactions with Hope and John.