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Vengeance Button embodies the worst/best bits of both Reese and Shard.

*label uchooseviolance

The Vancouver bombing targeted newly graduated AMOs at a conference. All it achieved was aligning public sympathies with Unity: so many lives, all so young, lost too soon, etc.

*if (humor > 40) and (morbidity > 30)

Boo-hoo, let's all shed a teardrop emoji.

The Ment who brainwashed you into bombing Aeon is the scum of the earth, but that doesn’t mean there isn't a glimmer of inspiration to be found in their methodology. Misattribute blame for a crime, and you weaponize the authorities against an opponent. You were used to act as a tool in the hands of someone who wanted Unity to pursue Vengeance, but what if Reese had behaved similarly?

Had Reese really wanted to overturn the status quo, ${the} could’ve arranged the Vancouver bombing to appear as if it was committed by a Ment freedom fighter opposing Unity’s agenda. The victims still would’ve won some sympathy points for Unity, that much is unavoidable whenever the faces of the deceased air on public television, but so long as a Ment was cast as the villain responsible for their deaths . . .

Well, that would’ve sparked whispers.

“Does Unity really have things under control?” Families would’ve wondered over dinner tables. “Ments must be dangerous if they’re willing to attack their own kind.”

Had Reese possessed the foresight to lay blame elsewhere instead of using Vengeance’s banner to boast about the attack, ${the} would have laid the groundwork for something much grander. Vengeance could’ve gradually ushered in an actual revolution instead of throwing small dinner parties in a silly attempt to gain two students as spies.

So many [i]would’ves[/i] and [i]could’ves[/i], all possible if only you had been in charge.


#Maybe I should be the one in charge of Vengeance.

*set Vroute true

*goto MrDarkside

#I shiver, disturbed by my own train of thought.

*goto tempting

*label tempting

You may have (many) issues with Unity and the way that Ments trample over the rights of others (particularly yours), but you’re not an aspiring terrorist.

Although . . . if you were Vengeance’s leader, maybe you could turn things around for the better. Advocate for limitations on Ment freedom with less murder, transforming the preexisting power structure into a legitimate advocacy for nonpowered human rights.

Perhaps Vengeance could even help fund and administer a permanent BRS. How much better would your life have been if your mother hadn’t been a Ment? It’s what she wants, even, the reason that she signed up for Mirrortech’s BRS trial.

*if (Nover = false) and (Sally > 80)

If all Ments were made normal, there’d be no need for Unity. Instead of risking his life fighting other Ments, Nick could attend culinary school or pursue music. Sally would no longer be haunted by visions she’s powerless to change.

*elseif (Nover) and (Sally > 80)

If all Ments were made normal, there’d be no need for Unity. Sally would no longer be haunted by visions she’s powerless to change. You might even be able to have a relationship with Nick.


If all Ments were made normal, there’d be no need for Unity. You might even be able to have a relationship with Nick.

It’s tempting.

Take over Vengeance, and you can make the world a better place for everyone.


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