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For those of you who don't want to replay all fourteen chapters (I don't blame you!), here's one of the new Shard monologues from the demo update! I think there are . . . between six and eight? I can't actually remember the number, because I have the memory of . . .

I can't remember how I wanted to end that joke. 

Anyway! I'm sharing the monologue for Buttons who are on Shard's romance path and accepted their assistance, since those of you romancing the other ROs won't see this version :)

Feedback is appreciated, as I want to make sure that Shard's perspective has a different "voice" despite staying in second person (which I'm still not totally wed to).

Major spoiler below, obviously, so read with caution!

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The mental tether between ${Name} and you snaps, your weary mind unable to maintain the connection.

To your horror, the silence feels almost lonely. When did constantly hearing ${Name}’s thoughts begin to feel so . . . comforting?


That’s a possibility upon which you refuse to dwell. You don’t deserve to imagine such things.

Still, the selfish part of you is tempted to reach out and make sure that ${she}’s alright.

*if (coverblown)

     But casting your mind several floors down, usually an insignificant distance for your brainrange, now feels like racing an Olympic marathon.

*if (coverblown = false)

     But casting your mind across those three hundred yards, usually an insignificant distance for your brainrange, now feels racing like an Olympic marathon.

You withdraw the pack of antacids from your back pocket, hands trembling as you unwrap the foil.

*if (coverblown)

     Every bone in your body weighs twice as much, and the effort expended by chewing four tablets is enough to make you slump in your chair with a pained groan.

*if (coverblown = false)

     Every bone in your body weighs twice as much, and the effort expended by chewing four tablets is enough to make you slump against the steering wheel with a pained groan.

The powdered antiacids fizz in your mouth for a few seconds before you muster enough energy to swallow.

You almost killed yourself. Testing the limits of your brainrange so recklessly? Both stupid and impulsive, two traits which you normally pride yourself on being exempt. Yet prior to tonight, you never reached out more than a few blocks, a remnant of terrified childhood conviction that your mind might one day wander too far, and you would lose it completely.

Perhaps you’ve already lost your mind. That, at least, would explain why you took such an asinine risk.

Yes, saving Nicholas Wiseman is a priority, but there was no certainty your plan would work. To be truthful (if only to yourself), you’re shocked that it [i]did[/i] work. ${Name}’s mind allowed you to peer into the thoughts of other Ments, acting like an echo chamber that amplified the thoughts within; it’s yet another truth which Unity would undoubtably bury should they ever learn.

You will need to make sure that ${Name}’s ability, if it can be considered as much, never comes to light. Otherwise, ${she}’ll be taken and used just like . . .

There’s no point in reminiscing over the past.



Just commenting to say that I was surprised about the antacid hint in an earlier chapter. Did you include it for all those of us who won't cooperate with Shard? I always thought that Button's conversation with them, particularly the almost-didactic type-in part, was such an elegant and distinct little detail to show us who they are. It was also the moment when I, playing MB for the first time back then, finally started making guesses about Shard's identity. Frankly, I didn't care much about them before reading chapter 14. I think it was the Spock-like tone that drew me in, the way they try to communicate clearly and efficiently, and the insight into the ways they rationalize their actions without much apparent remorse. I already mentioned it in an earlier comment, but I still don't quite understand why Shard doesn't check up on the Buttons who see this event. Even if Shard doesn't for story/characterization reasons (because they don't *deserve* it), would it be possible to include just a little something that gives these Buttons some emotional relief (even if it's just a choice that lets them write in their diary, cuddle Mr. Snodgrass/their stuffed animal of choice, or cry themselves to sleep)? Sorry if I'm being a bother about this.