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Ever since I moved back home, it's been increasingly difficult to drift into that trancelike, illusive “Creative Zone” where time becomes an abstract concept and I can no longer feel my body. This has made life hard(er), since I’m pretty much dependent on those sweet out-of-body experiences to do most my writing. Yes, I realize that this sounds like the description of an alien abduction or a hallucinogenic high, but it’s genuinely how I feel when writing: as if I physically disappear, and the characters are puppeteering my fingers to type out their words.

Look, I never claimed to understand how my brain works.

The good news is that I was able to slip into the Twilight Writing Zone several times this past week and gained with it several bursts of extreme productivity. I’m no longer cognizant of what the date is or whether I’ve eaten in the past twenty-four hours (I think I had some fruit gummies?) . . .



Current state of fuzzy disorientation aside, I’ve finished rewriting and recoding Chapters 1 – 13 in Mind Blind and am now ready to overhaul Chapters 14 and 15 in earnest. Significant editing already got done on these chapters as I haven’t exactly been tackle things in order, but I’m now ready to receive external feedback for them! My goal is to release Chapters 1 – 15 of the 2.0 demo by my birthday, which gives me around ten days to collect and implement suggestions.

Anyway, The Great Rewritening is now almost complete! It took way longer than I anticipated: life has definitely thrown a few curveballs this year, and it took me a while to stop beating myself up for having a slower writing pace and ultimately realize that there’s no point to racing to finish a book if it meant mentally collapsing before crossing the finish line. I’m happy with the changes (especially those made to Chapter 11!!!!) and feel excitement over releasing Mind Blind’s endings, albeit mingled with some non-insignificant trepidation over actually coding those ends.

Once I’ve rewritten all of Chapter 15, my focus will be exclusively on finishing and releasing the ending paths. Of course, there will be more editing done after the entire game is complete, but that will consist of technical editing and stylistic polish rather than adding in or altering content. I will, however, be doing one last complete readthrough of all your comments before releasing 2.0. Which brings me to my next point:

Simply put, the Persnickety Perfectionist in my head will never be satisfied, so this post serves as the final cowbell call for y’all to haul in your suggestions on any major or semimajor league changes that you’d like to see implemented. (Please don’t ask me to explain why I’m mixing cowboy and baseball metaphors. I genuinely don’t know.)

Links to other 2.0 feedback threads are posted below as well, so please leave suggestions on either the corresponding post or in the Sanctum of Spoilers discord. There’s a loose deadline of September 15th to submit all feedback, as it usually takes me 3-4 days to completely hammer out all my coding bugs and get the demo into a playable state.

(I didn’t include Chapters 1-3, because I'm pretty satisfied with their current iterations.)

Chapters 4 – 5: https://www.patreon.com/posts/great-feedback-4-63288760

Chapters 6 – 7: https://www.patreon.com/posts/great-feedback-6-64279410

Chapters 8 – 9: https://www.patreon.com/posts/great-feedback-8-66899693

Chapters 10 – 13: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mind-blind-2-0-69778090

Link to the original demo: https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/project-oreo/mygame/

To provide feedback on Chapters 14 or 15, please leave your comments below!



Im so looking forward to reading this rewrite and also please eat 😂😂😂 its semi important