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I've come to realize that editing interactive fiction chronologically is almost impossible (for me, at least), as it's easier to code related scenes. Scene A in Chapter 9 will influence Scene B in Chapter 13, so it's easier to go straight from rewriting Scene A to Scene B and skip over everything in between so that I don't forget the coding variables and what they alter. As a result, I've been jumping around, and a lot of Chapters 10-13 have already been changed.

However, I'm still eager to hear feedback! Optimistically, your comments will confirm that the changes I've made are the right ones. Even better will be if your comments inspire completely new ideas that make my current draft even better. So please leave comments and feedback on Chapters 10-13 here or on the Sanctum of Spoilers discord.

If you're able to provide feedback (which I really, really hope that you are!) and want a place to get started, then listed below are the areas that I'm still side-eyeing personally.

For All Three Chapters:

1) Romance scenes, particularly at the ending of Chapter 11/beginning of Chapter 12.

2) Scenery description. I've added more in the rewrite, but would like to hear if there's any areas where you had trouble visualizing the surroundings in case I've overlooked them (pun intended).

3) Nick's commentary has gotten a pretty major overhaul already, but I'd love to hear what you guys are hoping for (and can always incorporate more).

For Chapter 10:

1) Feedback on how Button reacts to Reese and other members of Vengeance, especially if there's options that you feel are missing.

2) Feedback on Kenzie's role during the operation. 

3) The fancy dancy feet. Too stupid? Do we need cooler spy gear?

For Chapter 11:

1) Isaiah's Scenes. I just don't feel like he works as well as Caleb, and I can't quite pinpoint why.

2) Any additional ways that you'd like Button to react to the carnapping.

For Chapter 12:

The only thing unchanged about Chapter 12 is the intervention with Sohvi, as the chapter has been structurally overhauled and rewritten. I'd like to hear if there's any bits that you hope didn't get cut, however, as I'd definitely consider adding some of the fluff back in :)

For Chapter 13:

1) For Ace Buttons: how would you like to see the kiss with Kenzie play out?

2) General clarity of technology: how can descriptions of the Pollard machine, etc., be improved? Is there anything that doesn't make sense?



Maybe I’m being dumb, but are the chapters updated yet? I tried to read the new stuff but the game still stopped after chapter 9. Sorry if this is obvious lol I’m just confused 😅


You can read the long demo here: https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/project-keepsake/mygame/ Don't worry about it. I was confused as well at the beginning. Have fun playing! :)


I’ve been compiling this list for a while and it’s the main reason why I asked about feedback in the last post. Warning: I’ve included some absolutely terrible pun suggestions for my own amusement and the amusement of everybody who wants to be amused—or horrified. Chapter 10: - RE: Wrong pronouns in code: 1. but the bags under ${Kim}'s eyes are proof that *he's* been up this past night doing reconnaissance. 2. Glitch wrinkles *${khis}* nose. - RE: Rosy flirt: “I assure you, I’m always prepared for . . . intimate assignmints.” Are the two “mint” puns intentional? If not: For some pun variety, may I suggest “lip service” or “under-cover missions”? On a cheekier note, “cavity searches” (with an appropriate lead-in that specifies the cavity/ies in question). - RE: Equipment. If Button can be jealous of Kenzie’s airpen and wonder about UCRT equipment, they should definitely be able to inquire about “the pair of gold stud earrings, a set of silver cufflinks”. Why show us the cool gadgets when we never learn what they do? You could also make a joke out of it with Glitch practically vibrating to elaborate on all this cool stuff and Rosy shutting them up with merely a cold glare. I’d generally love to see a little more Rosy/Glitch techno babble interaction. The “literary sword” exchange is one of my personal highlights of this chapter. Simply an underrated dynamic. - Nitpick: “half a muffin plastered against ${khis} cheek. $!{Khe} continues to glare as the muffin slowly slides down ${khis} face and plops back onto the table. [...] although ${khis} aura of danger is ruined by the bright berry-purple streak across ${khis} nose.” This description doesn’t really work for me. If the muffin is sitting on Rosy’s cheek and is sliding down, it wouldn’t leave a streak across their nose. Would make more sense if the muffin sat on their forehead or if they wiped another muffin crumb from their nose instead. - RE: Muffin / (blue)berry / explosion puns. Somebody had to do it. 1. The muffin moment seriously lacks a mental Rosy flirt option. Let me unleash the Rosy thirst: a) I already knew Rosy was a snack, but this one literally upgraded them to a dessert. b) This is decidedly less anticlimactic than the “Muff-In-Face” scenario I imagined last night. c) Something, something “muffin top”, “studmuffin” and/or “shortcake”. d) Glitch sure wasn’t bluffin’ with their muffin, but I’d rather cup Rosy’s cake / pop Rosy’s tart / cream Rosy’s bun / butter Rosy’s cookie. e) This “bang”ing Rosy business is not going according to plan. Should have been me sitting on their face. f) I’ve never been more turned on. Suddenly “doughnut” takes on a whole new meaning. g) The muffin residue suits Rosy. Suddenly “sweetcheeks” takes on a whole new meaning. h) I’d blueberry dee da ba die in Rosy’s arms tonight. Alternative suggestion: An appreciative line for Rosymancers in this section here: “Whenever ${khis} demeanor becomes overly intimidating, however, you imagine ${khim} with blueberry on ${khis} nose.” 2. Have some non-thirsty puns: a) Student-on-teacher violence: “Scholastic terrorism”. b) Calling Glitch “Chuck Berry”. c) [if Button met Glitch at the café] Reference to the “Princess Berry Butterfly Blast” with an emphasis both on the “berry” and the “blast”. - RE: “I’m also starting to care about [Rosy].” Doesn’t work for me on a variety of levels. 1. Wording: “Starting to care.” The majority of Buttons will probably have been interested for a longer amount of time since the last Rosy attraction lock-in happens during the interrogation which is one of the more counter-intuitive moments to fall in love with them. 2. Timing. Why would Button feel a sudden pang of sympathy for Rosy here when they were neither seriously hurt nor display a hugely negative reaction to the event? I’d find it more believable if Button tried (and failed) to suppress their laughter with Nick egging them on internally, only for Button to make a mental point that they don’t want to laugh *at* Rosy because they sort of care. That said, I feel that this choice also gets a little cheapened by the fact that Rosy is currently absent here. It would have more of an emotional impact for me as a player to get Button to care while the object of their affection is present and potentially able to pick up on—or even react to—the interest. 3. Interpersonal. This choice seems to be limited to Buttons with a bad Nick relationship but is also shown to Buttons who recently reconciled with Nick. As that sibling relationship still stands on such shaky ground and the Rosy topic is generally a difficult one, I’d suggest locking this choice for these types of Buttons as well. Even with the best intentions to improve their relationship, most Buttons probably wouldn’t “feel torn” at the prospect of Nick side-eyeing their love life. For example: My deal!Button had only 34% with Nick. - RE: Glitch suggesting to hold Kenzie’s hand in the dark during a Glitchmance. Maybe add something here about how Glitch sees the prospect of their flame and their BFF working together to add some flavor here. Would Glitch cheekily specify that Button shouldn’t hold Kenzie too close? Or would rejoice in seeing their two favorite people growing (platonically) closer? - RE: In *label homealone, we get a choice that has only one option: #I invite ${Kent} to come inside and wait together. - RE: “Disappointment wells up—when will you learn? Any fake connection between you and [Kenzie] is for Vengeance’s sake.” While I can understand general insecurity in this fake-dating situation, the “when will you learn?” adds a note of drama and self-doubt that just wasn’t there for my specific Kenziemancer Button who flirted from the start and never backed down from the Bali marriage. IMHO, that line of thinking makes more sense with a Button who has a difficult, disappointing relationship with their family and is thus afraid to lose that Kenzie connection again as quickly as it came. - RE: Kenzie’s pet question. Maybe a reference to Button wanting something (unspecified) exotic that Nick doesn’t agree with? - RE: Mayor Zarneki. 1. Feels weird that he doesn’t mention Nick after that frantic phone call earlier. I’d expect an exaggerated “thoughts and prayers” speech or a hint at the contents of his call with Branham. Could also be interesting to see what importance Justice holds politically for/over him and how much or how little the Mayor likes his dependency on Unity. Further, what about Vengeance’s accusation that Unity rigs elections? 2. Bad father or not, wouldn’t Zarneki find it even a little strange that Button has plans with Kenzie on the same day that their brother got kidnapped? Could be another opportunity for Button to strengthen and/or play around with their cover story. 3. Should Kenziemancers get the option to make more of an impression on their future father-in-law? - RE: NPO Initiative. If possible, I’d find it interesting to get more insight into the backstory of the NPO Initiative since Mayor Zarneki seems to know about it when Button and K use the NPO backstory. Would the Mayor really risk lying to the press and his electorate for years about K’s Ment status if Branham can just unceremoniously shut the entire program down for shits and giggles? How did Kenzie get chosen for the program? Did they fake their Ment status even before they enrolled at Aeon? (How else could they have held up the lie for years as someone who was under the press’s scrutiny since childhood? Especially as a victim of Ment violence.) What and how do they know about Branham’s stance on the NPO Initiative? - RE: Button and Cassie/Antigone. 1. Would a Kenzie who noticed Button’s fear of dogs, really ask them to fill up their dishes and let them out? Even if they would, I get the impression it would be nice to have an option that once again emphasizes Button’s anxiety around the dogs. 2. Button should have the option to do nothing. No spying, no dogs, no cleaning dog bowls. Give a Button a break. Some of us are just lazy or not particularly dog-crazy / clean / nosy. Maybe Kenzie has some funky fridge magnets and/or fridge contents Button could inspect instead? - RE: Dog goodbye. It seems as if K’s Cassie/Annie goodbye is nearly identical to that in the first chapter. I’ve seen that you incorporated an alternative that flags for (Kinside) but the dog goodbye in the first chapter also shows up if Button doesn’t follow Kenzie into the house. Maybe code it so that only Buttons who went for school route 2 and 3 see that particular goodbye line? - RE: Button’s reaction to the limousine. A car nerd could have a different thought process here than the other Buttons. Unless, of course, it’s a super ordinary limousine. But even that would allow Button to infer something about Vengeance’s finances and/or the impression Reese intends to make on their guests. (I know, Rosy later suggests that it’s just been a rental. Still.) - RE: In the car with Liz/Andy, when a Button with a low Nick relationship asks him for advice. Nick could snipe that “act[ing] likable” helps but could ultimately prove to be hard to pull off for those Buttons. - RE: “#I nod absently.” The coding here earns Button two *set heretoparty subtractions (-1 and -2). Not sure if that’s intentional. - RE: Jerri’s food. It would be nice to have an option for vegan Buttons to inquire whether the hors d’oeuvre and the wine are safe to consume. - RE: Jerri’s “Old habits die harder than the bastards that create them.” I don’t really get it? It works for me in the moments when Jerri drinks her third glass because I could identify that as a “habit”. However, when she refills Button’s glass (without drinking herself) or brings them a water bottle, I don’t really see a “habit” here. Clearly, Jerri’s referencing her deceased Ment husband and her anxiety could represent residual trauma from that relationship but sometimes nervousness is just that… Nervousness. Especially if you’re tasked with feeding and entertaining a “guest of honor”. If it’s merely a throwaway line meant to be left ambiguous, that’s fine, but K’s understanding (“True enough”) seems to indicate that it isn’t. - RE: “$!{Khis} thigh presses up against yours, and ${khe} rests ${khis} arm over the sofa’s back where you sit.” I feel the “sleazy movie date” comparison doesn’t really fit for ace Buttons. Maybe change it to a comparison to people without a sense of personal space on the subway or something? - RE: Sitting on Kenzie’s lap. Would be nice to have the opportunity as a lesbian Button. - RE: Mitch and Kathy. I feel there is not enough room for a reaction from an anti-Ment / resentful Button here who thinks of Ments as a danger to society. A more detailed discussion including this scene is at the end of my comment on chapter 11. - RE: Caleb. 1. Maybe describe him a little more? There is a lot of emphasis on his cheeks, but barely anything about his face, eye or hair color, body. Potentially interesting: His (lack of?) resemblance to Liz/Andy. 2. I wish Button had a reaction available that frames Caleb as a good intel opportunity. “But why did you say that we’re alike?” sounds too earnest for my taste. I would like a choice to fake kindness in order to exploit Caleb’s hero worship as best as I can. We’ve got all the opportunities: Similar background, already predisposed to liking Button, socially awkward, and a recent Vengeance member (which we can easily infer based on the fact that he isn’t fully updated on the accepted Vengeance lingo). Maybe dependent on Button’s Interpersonal and/or Expedient stat? Or could Innovative be an advantage later in chapter 11 because, clearly, Caleb’s into tech?


Chapter 11: - RE: Reese reacting to a Button whose gender doesn’t match that of the bomber. Button should definitely mention that later during the mission debrief. Even if the bomber is currently not their primary target, it’s still valuable information. Similarly, when Reese indicates that they spoke with the bomber on the phone, it should tell Button that their own gender matches. - RE: Reese’s “Even in this sanctum, we know not whom listens.” If Button hid the bug in the mask, they definitely should be shitting bricks here for a quick second. At least that was my reaction when I came to this section and thought that this finally was the moment of truth and Reese had successfully managed to trick me into a false sense of security. - RE: Reese’s “Nine times out of ten, a preemptive steak will stave off a hangover.” Maybe a different line here for vegan Buttons? - RE: Locking options for asexual Buttons. 1. All the Reese attraction choices seem to be pretty sexually charged. I don’t think any asexual advances are necessary for them as the majority of their “appeal” seems to hinge on the ~sexy baddie persona. 2. K sex excuse (also in chapter 10). - RE: Caleb’s wrist grab. Button has the opportunity to flirt with practically everyone in order to get what they want. Why not try it on their biggest fan? (Or maybe only for those Buttons who are attracted to men?) - RE: “Isaiah is Reese’s pet.” Is this line the reason why Button gets to say “One of the other Vengeance members described Isaiah as Rudzite’s Ment pet” in chapter 12? If so, the option should be absent or at least worded differently for Buttons who didn’t meet Isaiah at the end of the party. An off-the-cuff excuse would still sound markedly different than the actual truth those Buttons never got to witness. - RE: Following Isaiah into the basement as an anti-Ment, Nick-averse Button. Button could think that Isaiah terrifies them but that, if push comes to shove, they can easily take an old man in a fight. This would give the player an opportunity to imagine their Button as more proactive than in the other, more pessimistic choices. - RE: Wrong pronoun in code: “${Andy} releases *${khim}* with a scornful laugh, and Isaiah flops back onto the bed.” I think it should be “him” because the pronoun is referring to Isaiah? - RE: “Join me in the front,” ${khe} says. This transition doesn’t work for #I climb into the front seat without complaint. If you choose the option, the following screen text, again, states: “You climb into the passenger seat.” - RE: Liz/Andy smalltalk. It would be interesting to be able to ask them to elaborate on their own family history (“My parents were both Ments. I wasn’t”). Maybe earning us (mis)trust based on the course of the party and the already established Liz/Andy relationship? - RE: #Still, there may be some advantage to pretending that I believe ${Andy}. Would be neat to have a more specific option for the sweetheart / childhood friends cover story because, I feel, the existing one doesn’t really reflect the kind of deep betrayal that would constitute if Button had previously dated / known Kenzie for years. - RE: Car attack. Maybe an additional option or more success at hurting Liz/Andy for a brawler Button? - RE: Rosy. “Then, as if realizing how much you need this, ${khe} thaws and lets you sink into ${khis} embrace.” No complaints here. BUT. Each fight for A’s heart is so hard-won and, technically, this deserves a little bit of internal Button flailing, even if it happens in chapter 12. - RE: The mission as a whole. I am honestly not sure the Vengeance infiltration matches a resentful, anti-Ment Button who previously didn’t care if Nick died. There are anti-Ment options available, but the majority of choices seems to favor a pro-Ment stance and characterizing Vengeance as violent criminals. (Which, to be fair, I absolutely agree with on a meta level.) Still, this creates a dissonance for Buttons who should, to an extent, empathize with these people and their goals because they share similar opinions and trauma. For example, meeting Mitch and Cathy. Choices: a) I want to understand why they joined (says the Button who told Jerri shortly before that Ments are terrifying), b) Nick told me about missions (= assumes a good enough Nick relationship and/or that Button would have listened), c) These people are enemies (= pro-Ment). I feel that I don’t really see a hard line that divides these types of Buttons and people who might join Vengeance. What’s even their motivation for infiltrating the organization or thinking of those people as the “bad guys”? They don’t care if their brother dies. At most, they want to apprehend the Ment who used them, which isn’t possible at this stage without the risk of blowing Button’s cover. I had another look at Button’s possible motivations for agreeing to do the undercover mission in the first place. Three stood out to me: 1) Button is vulnerable to another attack without Nick in their head, 2) proving themself as a non-Ment field agent, 3) a sense of agency. With regard to prioritizing the search for Nick, referring back to 1) seems to make the most sense to me. Even if Button doesn’t care about Nick’s continued survival, they surely wouldn’t want to paint another target on their back as long as the bomber is still at large. However, this particular motivation doesn’t align well with playing a Button who wouldn’t care if Nick died because the choice “Vengeance taking [Nick] is fantastic news! With him gone, my head will be my own again” doesn’t really acknowledge the risk of Nick leaving Button’s mind before the bomber is apprehended. I would propose either adding another option recognizing the inherent danger of losing Nick or adjusting the original one as, IMHO, this reasoning provides a better motivation and more pressure to infiltrate Vengeance for Buttons who don’t care about Nick and/or crimes against Ments. This change would also allow players to headcanon the following choices re: Button prioritizing finding Nick as primarily a measure of self-preservation. Technically, an anti-Ment Button could also prioritize finding Nick because they know that Branham wants to shut the NPO Initiative down. Button could see it as the only way to ensure that other talented Lo-Pos like them get the same Unity career opportunities as Ments and that, in this way, Unity's hiring process becomes more egalitarian and less nepotistic. That, however, would naturally presume that Button puts their trust in the general integrity of Unity as an organization in the first place.


RE: Rosy Muffin Moment Alternatively, there could be something a little softer. Maybe Button thinking Rosy looks cute with muffin on their face and having fond, crushy feelings over it. Maybe them showing that they're feeling this way externally? ex. maybe they can't help but smile at the sight, maybe there's a little bit of infatuated giggling/laughing/chuckling/whichever word works More radically, maybe Rosy could even silently notice this reaction...?


RE: the family small talk idea hmm... that could be interesting. Granted, I don't know how receptive they'd be to talking about that? Their curtness about the topic beforehand would lead me to believe that they probably don't want to talk about it? But that kind of thing could be interesting for noting a commonality the two have -- ex. both being non-Ments in a family full of them (aside from Caleb, in their case). Maybe this could even be something that somehow adds into Button being more Vengeance-leaning......? (Or maybe not necessarily.)


Something soft is actually what I was aiming at with the "sweetcheeks" pun or the alternative suggestion to add something appreciative to the “Whenever ${khis} demeanor becomes overly intimidating, however, you imagine ${khim} with blueberry on ${khis} nose” line. The latter could definitely go in a cute or romantic direction when, I don't know, Button imagines to kiss the berry from Rosy's nose. Or, if you want to go in a really corny direction, that this is what Rosy will look like when Button shoves a piece of their blueberry wedding cake right into Rosy's face. 😋


I didn’t really have the time to read your post earlier, so here comes my feedback on some of the points you listed. This will be mostly about chapters 10 and 11. - RE: Rosy hug. Just gotta say it: “Embrosy.” 😍 What do I want from it? Maybe more reluctance from certain Buttons? After all, this is the first time they’re really, deliberately touching Rosy– their teacher and now even their handler. A person of authority. I don’t know, as Button, I’d feel a tad squeamish about invading the personal space of Aeon’s combat instructor and simply hoping for the best. So far, Rosy has presented themself as decidedly professional and unsentimental, so I could also see some Buttons fearing Rosy’s judgment for breaking down or showing weakness in front of them. Especially Buttons who, so far, have repressed their more negative and/or vulnerable emotions and are not used to being comforted or do not allow themselves to seek comfort for other reasons. - RE: Scenery during the Muffin Incident. I feel the moment when Rosy leaves the room to clean themself doesn’t really work. The way you have established the way to HQ, they would have to take the elevator and go through the assignment area. I’d imagine that this would take them more time than the game acknowledges. - RE: Button’s reaction to Vengeance. I would like a little more internal repulsion at Reese’s touches. - RE: Mission!Kenzie. I was honestly surprised that Reese didn’t give them more attention considering their political connections and tragic backstory. Especially when Button tells Reese that it was K who contacted them. The entire party feels very Button-centric. It would also heighten the surprise about the Kenzie suspicions if both Andy and Reese had previously catered to them a little more. - RE: Fancy-dancy feet. There should definitely be a payoff here. What exactly does Glitch mean when they say that Rosy should let them “disengage the safeties”? Where does the name come from? I also feel you missed a great joke by not letting Glitch (or anybody else with a touch of pop-culture savvy) acknowledge that this gadgetry clearly proves the all-time classic “Careless Whisper” wrong: “Guilty feet have got no rhythm.” Heck no, they do! - RE: Isaiah. I feel we should have the opportunity to interact with him before seeing him at the end of the party. Maybe if certain conditions are met? - RE: Carnapping. I haven’t really tracked the phobia flags during the game but could Button’s agoraphobia and/or claustrophobia be triggered here? Also, maybe could car-nerd!Button or a Button with a high Innovative stat use one of the car’s gadgets to their benefit in order to distract Liz/Andy? - RE: Sohvi. I have to reiterate that Baumkuchen stinks. German Mole Cake (= Maulwurfkuchen) is infinitely superior. (And probably more fun to bake, too!) Edit: Remembered another thing. - RE: Nick’s Tueling comment. (I don’t know who that is referring to and am currently unable to find them on Google, by the way.) This should definitely be an opener for artist!Buttons. As an on-the-nose meta comment on their politics, Reese could also be interested in outsider art (= art brut): Art from people whose brains are not considered “normal”. However, that only tracks if they are truly convinced that “it’s a Ment’s world”.


Didn’t really have the time to do a chapter 12/13 deep-dive yet but I have some opinions on the chapter 12 moments that I already know pretty well. - RE: The mug of tea during the debrief. I have partially conflicting opinions here, so take it with a grain of salt. 1. Considering there is a later Rosy date option in which Button states that they do not like tea, I feel they shouldn’t have to drink it here. Alternative: Hot chocolate. 2. I’m very happy to headcanon that Rosy themself made the cup of tea. 👀 3. Unnecessarily complicated suggestion to give me the tea and avoid giving it to tea haters: Set a tea-lover flag during the café date with Glitch if Button orders tea, sometime when Button is at home (new option required) or even during the Vengeance party (poor Jerri, new option required). Then give tea-lover Buttons (me) the tea they (I) so love and indubitably deserve. Yes, I agree that it is absolutely stupid but, as a tea loyalist, I feel compelled to at least mention it. - RE: “${Kim}’s eyebrows arch with what appears to be genuine surprise. ${Kim} sighs.” Rosy’s sigh works a lot better in the other scenes. - RE: Rosy goodbye. I like it as it is but I also want more. Their awkwardness and that little nod to themself for a job well done is super endearing. - RE: “Your friend is waiting for you outside the office. [...] I can sense their eagerness and concern through the door.” I don’t know but I’d like a little variation in Sohvi’s dialogue here that acknowledges Button’s current relationship status. Shouldn’t Glitch, who is in something like a relationship with Button, or Kenzie, who almost-kissed Button at that point, feel very different things than, say, Rosy? - RE: Rosy’s “date”. 1. “Do you find me attractive?” Is it possible to change this question to “Are you attracted to me?” I prefer my phrasing of the question because the focus is on Rosy as an agent not on Button, as an object, conforming to Rosy’s conception of attractiveness. This way, the emphasis is on Rosy doing something they (probably) shouldn’t do. Further, to soapbox, I find “attractive” to be such a bland word, too often reduced to physical appearance. To be fair, it’s also due to the fact that my own concept of “attractive” is mostly fuzzy. I guess that's also why I have some issues with you describing Rosy as “more striking than beautiful/handsome” upon us first meeting them because, to me, a) it’s incredibly vague (though, I have to admit that I’m the worst person at visualizing practically anything), b) it’s a little confusing (what, exactly, is “striking”? “oddly-looking”? “unique”? what *exactly* is off about their features?), c) it’s very subjective (beautiful/handsome in comparison to whom and according to whose standard of beauty if we as players are the ones choosing to be attracted in the first place?). To get back on topic: I strongly suspect Button’s question is meant to ask “Is the spark mutual” and not “Do you have feelings for me”, right? (Yes, I make a difference between the two!) Last but not least: Nick should definitely react to Rosy—very tellingly– avoiding to answer Button’s questions. 📣 Who's delusional now, brother dearest? 📣 2. “Vancouver happened two years ago,” I already mentioned this, I think. Mentioning it again, to be safe. 3. This is weird. I was so sure I saw the line about Isaiah being “Rudzite’s Ment pet” without encountering Isaiah at the end of the party, but upon checking the code, I have no idea how that could have happened. 4. The tea. In case I have managed to persuade you to include a tea-lover flag (even if not), I’d like Button to be able to ask about the unidentifiable tea blend. (If I have managed to win my tea-lover flag, I’d love Button to be able to identify the tea or at least make some good connoisseur assumptions here.) Unless Rosy’s tea cups are very small or Rosy takes very large sips, Rosy should not be able to empty tea-hater!Button’s cup contents into their own. That said, I only own very large cups myself. Maybe I’m biased. Scenery: You should establish the existence of Rosy’s own coaster somewhere before they “[set] down ${khis} mug with a clink, missing the coaster.” 5. “I didn’t realize that you two were such good friends.” Not sure if this is meant to be read as deeply sarcastic or teasing but either way, it always strikes me as super odd for Button to say here. 6. When Rosy talks about the anglicized version of their sister’s name, I wouldn’t mind an option to ask them about their own name. I also wouldn’t mind if they told us to fuck the hell off for that. (To be serious, though: I really, *really* need to know what the “S.” in their name on all the MIV files stands for.) 7. The detail about child!Rosy not being able to differentiate between Canadian English and US English strikes me as weird. As a twenty-year-old, wouldn't that have presented itself as a possibility to them? Or am I misinterpreting something? 8. Hand-holding. Unpopular opinion time: I don’t like it. In particular, I do not like that Button is touching a vulnerable Rosy without having their explicit consent to do so. It just feels intrusive and inappropriate to push physical contact on somebody who is currently recalling their traumatic past. The fact that the always-in-control Rosy Kim “looks somewhat startled by [their] own words” says it all. Plus: “a faraway look in ${Kim}’s eyes”, “still partially someplace else”. They seem more collected when it actually happens but… No. I just can’t bring myself to not find it somewhat shameless. I would view it differently if Rosy saw Button’s hand move and stop, then acknowledge that Button can touch them. Though, to be fair, I would prefer it if they could also tell Button to piss off under the right (wrong) circumstances. (Edit: Oop, I actually never saw when they push Button’s hand off. I will still maintain that Rosy is way nicer here than Button deserves.) Last but not least: You should definitely acknowledge Rosy’s nameplate on the table for a more dramatic effect. Maybe Button has to push it away in order to reach Rosy’s hand? It would, IMHO, also work better as “a reminder of the impediments between you, but which are, if only for this moment, bridged and crossed.” 9. I would die a little inside if an intrigued Rosy would hold Button’s face a little more tenderly than a non-intrigued Rosy. 👉👈 If you get notified of all the edits, I am really sorry. It's almost 12pm here... This was the last one, I promise!


Important: I was able to recreate the moment when a Button who didn’t meet Isaiah is shown the “Rudzite’s Ment pet” option in chapter 12. My assumption is that the corresponding scene doesn’t fire because there is one blank space too much in *label longstretch. However, I cannot be sure. Maybe change it when you find the time and then I attempt another replay of that scene? - RE: NB Button in chapter 11. When Reese tells them that they expected someone more feminine/masculine, those Buttons could say something along the lines of “Fuck the gender binary” or “I lost my gender in the Aeon explosion”. If they wanted to be judged by binarist standards, they wouldn’t be non-binary. - RE: More Rosy tea pedantry. 1. When Button smells the honey component in the cup, is that part of the blend or did Rosy “sweeten the pot” for them? If it’s the latter, that should be mentioned and Rosy should ask them how they prefer their tea. 2. As a tea lover, it feels counter-intuitive to me that Rosy would ask Button to drink the tea immediately. The tea should sit for the appropriate amount of time before it’s being consumed, depending on the blend and the flavor preferences of the drinker. I could understand if Rosy themself didn’t care during this moment, but then they should at least let Button know when it’s the right time. Note: If Rosy couldn’t generally give less of a fuck about how to “correctly” drink their tea, then this is acceptable. I just wouldn’t peg them as such a person. (Why did you give them their bulky wrist watch if they do not properly time their tea steeping? Feels like a waste.) 3. You should probably mention that Rosy uses tea bags. It’s just a tiny detail that makes the scene feel a little more lively. I suspect they would not be using loose tea—despite it being the tea snob’s choice–because for one, it’d be messier and secondly, they’d need a tea infuser for it in this scene (= pouring the hot water straight into the cups) and it’s unlikely that, even if they had one in their office, they’d have one more there. - RE: Ji-eun. Should Buttons who opened the box, get to ask about the toy? Again, I don’t mind if Rosy tells Button to fuck off. - RE: Hand-holding. I genuinely wondered if I was being too harsh about it, but I just cannot bring myself to really change my mind on the issue. Rosy is the only RO who passively reciprocates Button’s attention and the most we players get to see of it during the earlier stages of their route is during code-diving. While touching Rosy’s hand can definitely be seen as an offer of comfort, it should first and foremost be that—an offer—because Rosy hasn’t signaled that they need or even want comfort. It’s certainly nice to want to give it, but at what point does the intention become more about the person’s own needs than those of the gesture’s recipient? I guess, another issue I have with the whole thing is that it can be partly interpreted as a blatant come-on after the “Do you find me attractive?” question. I also feel there should be a hard line being drawn somewhere for Buttons who are repeatedly barking up the wrong tree. - RE: Vancouver. 1. We definitely need a clarification on Nick’s Vancouver failure somewhere down the line because how could he bring results if UCRT was yanked off the case? 2. Would be a nice little detail if it was later revealed that Nick started his coin jar right after Vancouver. 3. Most of us will know why Rosy gets so incensed about the Vancouver investigation. It’s personal to them. However, if you read the scene, it might also sound as if Rosy themself was part of the investigation back then. Which they clearly weren’t when we’re going with the established backstory: Rosy became Nick’s MIV one year into his run as Justice (before that, they were stationed in Florida) and Vancouver was one of Nick’s first cases. If ambiguity is desired here, that’s fine. - RE: Gray’s apology. While Button states internally that the carnapping wasn’t Gray’s fault, I wouldn’t mind them letting him know exactly that. - RE: Glitch’s “You’re still hot [...] Just a little . . . puffier.” You have the frozen peas right there and don’t make the joke about them limiting Button’s hotness just a little? Okay, maybe that one was too obvious, even for Glitch. - RE: Nick. He feels a little quiet here. Does he have opinions on all the people in his home? I suspect it’s more of a party than he’s had in the entire last five years. How little does he like Rosy’s presence in his living room? Note: Vampires can always come back once you’ve invited them over the threshold of your home. Time to get the garlic out (not in bomb form, this time, promise). - RE: Giving the USB to Andy. A Nick with a bad Button relationship could hypothesize that they are deliberately hindering the investigation because they don’t want him to be found. To play devil’s advocate: It would be interesting (read: devilishly interesting) if that was actually possible. After all, the following option exists: “Vengeance taking him is fantastic news! With him gone, my head will be my own again.” - RE: “Wish we’d gotten that recorded.” You should definitely make it more obvious why they didn’t because it’s never actually stated when Button puts their shoes on. The shoes are referenced in “As you kneel to put on your ${shoes} in the penthouse entryway” (which can be read as Button putting them on, IMHO), but nothing about it afterward. - RE: Glitch goodbye. Maybe let them quote some poetry here? I’d like that. - RE: Gray goodbye. Let the professional Graymancers weigh in on that one, but it’s a little too much reluctance for me at this point. However, that could just be the way this route works and maybe that’s simply not for me, then. - RE: Sally “goodbye”. It feels weird for her to just go to her room. If she stays, she should at least offer Button some comfort and let them make the decision to be alone. That said… - If Vengeance keeps an eye on Button, would a Ment BFF—especially one who stays the night—be a little suspicious? Reese could ask Button about it and they could use it as part of their cover. Having a close Ment friend seems like a good argument against potential anti-Ment terrorist leanings. - RE: Sohvi “being” German. Just from her name alone, I’d have put her in the general direction of Scandinavia, to be honest. That’s never a clear indicator, of course, but it still seems more obvious to me than Nick’s Germany leap. Does he have some experience with German accents? Or does he simply find the language “funny”? (I remember his crack about the long German surname during the essay moment.) - RE: Button’s opinion on Empaths. Back in chapter 2, you gave Button a choice about their feelings on Empaths. The Sohvi session (or afterward) could be another interesting point to reevaluate these feelings. After Jerri’s story. Now, Sohvi. Also, exactly ten chapters later, the perfect parallel. - RE: “From what Nick’s told me, it’s your go-to.” I don’t like that line. Probably subjective, but I’d hate for Nick’s opinion to heavily factor into my Button’s therapy session. Of course, Sohvi can use what Nick has told her about Button to her benefit, but I feel she shouldn’t mention that. This session is about how Button is feeling, not about others’ opinions on the way they are coping. - RE: “But honesty is also important.” I don’t remember the exact line but I’m sure that somewhere it was mentioned that Button never got away with even the smallest of lies during their childhood. As such, I feel that they should have a very twisted, maybe even overprotective view on what constitutes their “truth”. - RE: Depression. Button could say that depression is another way their brain is malfunctioning. Which reminds me: Was it ever mentioned if Button is on antidepressants (or why they are not)? - RE: Leaving the session. For Buttons with AMO ambitions, leaving Operation Hemera would mean to destroy any chance of proving themself as a non-Ment field agent. Technically, one potential reason for Button to join the operation was also being able to impress Rosy (which I found a little weird, to be honest, even as a self-avowed Rosy lover), so that could be repeated here as well. - RE: “I can also recommend someone else if you’d rather see a therapist who isn’t a Ment.” She means a Unity therapist, right? I thought it was mentioned in one option that Button might already be seeing an ordinary therapist. Also, I wouldn’t mind a Unity-skeptic Button wondering what Sohvi’s/Unity’s agenda might be here. Whose interests is Sohvi meant to be protecting and would she rat Button out if it served Unity’s interests? For example, could Button’s emotional lability be later used as an argument against the NPO Initiative because, “clearly”, non-Ments are unable to cope with high-risk missions? A paranoid Button with a bad Hope/John relationship could also be afraid that the content of their session gets back to their parents. Even if Sohvi seems trustworthy, Branham (probably?) isn’t. - RE: “Guilt is a pro-social emotion; it helps us maintain social relationships, and makes us strive to improve ourselves.” Sohvi’s words feel a little too unnaturally similar to this choice: #Guilt is a pro-social emotion that incentives us to maintain positive relationships with others by associating negative sensations to failure. - RE: Sohvi’s prescription. Considering that she’s been briefed, I find it weird that she would prescribe a day off during such a time-sensitive mission. She knows about Dr. Amari’s opinions, so she should be aware that Nick has limited time left. It also feels a little strange that Nick mentions the bit about Rosy listening to Sohvi when, during the Rosy “date”, they couldn’t care less. - RE: “Did you intend to bomb Aeon?” What about Buttons who regret that it was done against their will but who are not particularly upset about the end result? - RE: “I want you to instead try to imagine that you’re scolding a separate person. [...] Would you attack them for things they never chose to do?” Linking to this scene from “My Mad Fat Diary” because it really changed me back when I was watching the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALJmjreMDEM Not because I think you or the Sohvi session need it. It’s just so good, even after all these years. I also quite like the twist here of who exactly you are meant to be scolding because it adds another layer of intuitive compassion.


I know that you already overhauled the dates, but maybe these opinions are still helpful: - RE: #“Shouldn’t you be going through whatever is on Caleb’s flash drive?” Since there is a previous Innovative check with which Button can shine with their tech knowledge regarding Caleb’s drive, I feel that should apply here as well. Surely, Glitch wouldn’t tell these types of Buttons: “Alas, decryption algorithms don’t run as fast when they’re being run in real life instead of a forty-minute television show.” - RE: Angela. If Button had the cancer exchange with Glitch while setting up the Podium profile (“Is cancer a deal breaker?”), they should be able make their own assumptions here. There already seems to be an existing flag for it: Glitchsecret true. - RE: “I wouldn’t be too upset if Nick got killed.” Honestly? If you’re asking me, Glitch is underreacting here. It’s such a callous thing for Button to say and, as the MIV of Operation Hemera, Glitch’s alarm bells should go the hell off. Is this the kind of person they want to be in a relationship/friendship with? Is this the kind of person they want to see go into a high-risk mission alongside their best friend? You could defuse the whole thing a little by Glitch or Button themself (to cover their tracks?) pointing out that intense therapy sessions can cause heightened emotions and that the stress of the last weeks might take its toll here. - RE: “You would not believe how hard it is to find a decent vegan mayo,” If you decide to work with the vegan!Button flag, the code should definitely account for the possibility that Button *knows* indeed. - RE: “It’s different with your brother, though. Him, we can get back.” Button could think here that this—sadly or not—doesn’t apply to their mom. - RE: Button’s guinea pig past. Button could attempt to relate to Glitch by addressing their own hospital experiences. - I recently noticed that you use “Low-Po” in earlier chapters but now it’s most often “Lo-Po”. Are these two terms interchangeable or should there only be one version? - RE: K’s “You thought I was a Ment.” I got the impression that the “Kknewit true” flag came too late in this conversation if Button already suspected K as a Lo-Po. Or at least it felt a bit weird that they would entertain Kenzie’s notion about believing the lie because it’s not exactly clear when Button managed to connect the dots. - RE: “Hold Cass?” What about cynophobia!Buttons? Maybe those Buttons and Kenzie should generally have A Talk before things get even more serious between them. I don’t really sense a future here if Button is not willing and ready to work on their phobia. - RE: “Buying me flowers?” I hate to be this person, but if we’re talking about an M!Button and an F!Kenzie, there might be some players who feel emasculated by a scenario in which their girlfriend is buying them flowers. Especially since it’s implied that Button is not merely teasing but would actually like some. - RE: [i]${Khis} mom passed away over ten years ago,[/i] Nick thinks, Fifteen years ago, to be exact. According to the rewritten version of chapter 5: “the third result is an article about ${Kent}’s mother, dated from fifteen years ago.” - RE: “You’re a diligent dad.” There should be an alternate “mom” version for Kenna. - RE: “Disappointed? More like thrilled. With Gray gone, maybe you can further explore how her dress top unties.” Maybe lock that particular choice for ace Buttons: #I wink at Sally. “I have an idea as well. It involves us ditching both class and Gray.” Or simply omit a couple of sentences here for ace Buttons. - RE: Gray’s “You’re a lot like your brother, you know that?” If Button is still feeling angsty over Sally’s previous crush on Nick, this statement might give them pause. - RE: Nick’s “I miss garlic.” I already made a garlic bomb joke today. Still. - RE: #I wink at Gray. “I have an idea as well. It involves you, me, and a lot less clothing.” Lock for ace Buttons. General opinions on the dates: - Romantic preferences aside, I think Kenzie’s date is the best one out of all of them. It gives us backstory, cuteness, and enjoyable character interactions. I also felt that it fleshed out both their parents in a really satisfying way. All-around stamp of approval. - I kind of missed the art aspect during Sally’s date because I had hoped artistic Buttons and Sally would get to geek out together. Aside from that, Sally’s romance scenes were very cute. One thing I remain confused about, however: I somehow remember reading that Sally is demisexual. If that’s still (?) the case, I would actually like to see it on paper (screen) somewhere because canonically ace ROs are notoriously hard to find. - I liked seeing a more vulnerable side of Glitch during the hospital date but I missed the way Button could have related to them due to their own hospital past. I also got the sense that we now know more about their father than about their mom. Which is to say: I’d like to know more about her and their relationship. - Since Rosy’s “date” is not really a date, I’m actually pretty okay with it. I suppose it feels a little weirdly split considering the Branham intermezzo but I get the necessity of that one. Getting to ask about Rosy’s name (Ambrose/Ambrosia, not their Korean birth name) or the box would be great but as long as we hear more about that at a later date, I am willing and able to wait patiently. Might be helpful: More details about the Korean Reunification War because the info here feels very sparse. Why was Ji-eun adopted by Canadians? Are we talking about some nasty kind of adoption business à la “Let’s rescue the children, erase their culture/heritage and mold them in our own image because we are Superior in every way” or is it not completely side-eye worthy? Last but not least: I would definitely be sad if you cut Rosy’s tea hour. As you may have noticed, I have three and a half feelings about tea. Catching Rosy off-guard with the “attractive” question was also fun, although I wouldn’t be mad if it was changed to a different moment or type of interaction as long as Button still manages to put them on the spot for once.


About the Gray goodbye: As a professional Grayson simp, I really like the reluctance! I think it makes sense with his character so far. I interpret it as Gray was about to confess his feelings (likely not an “I love you” but probably a “I care about you very much”) and remembered that 1. In Button’s head resides their big brother and his own best friend and 2. He’s just hugged Button without asking, even though he’s always taken such care to respect their space so he panics and draws back. Idk if that made sense, but I just really love the goodbye and it works really well in his route (for me ofc!)


Good to know! Honestly, simp opinions are the ones that matter, so thank you for weighing in on this. I guess, I prefer characters who act decisive and communicate their intentions clearly once they have made up their mind. With Gray, I feel, we're at the point where I'd just expect some kind of symbolic gesture from him to show that he's just as invested as we are (think: Alistair's rose in Dragon Age). While it is obvious that he is a good guy and a ride-or-die partner from a metagaming perspective, the impatient, four-year-long-crush-having Button in me just wants him to finally commit and put a ring on it. Do I understand why he might feel reluctant about the Nick situation? Yes, completely. Do I still want him to do a cheesy flash mob in Button's honor? Also yes. Sidenote: I do realize the extreme irony of me expressing frustrations with Gray's timing when the object of my own simp affections has been blue-buttoning me for (almost) seventeen entire chapters. 😅


i don't know if this kind of feedback is useful since the dates have been overhauled, but i would like an option maybe during Kenzie's date for button to wonder if Kenzie's really chill being in a relationship with someone with a condition that makes them uniquely susceptible to mind control given the traumatic way they've lost their mother, or even for button themselves to realize they're not up to it (akin to the way a glitchmancer can dump glitch bc they think they have their own weird-brain-baggage to deal with already). although i realize that would take maybe too much work 😭 it sort of feels like button's reality of living with mindblindness gets brought up the least in kenzie's route (besides after their initial misunderstanding) while the other ROs, all in their own way, either have known button long enough to be familiar with what their situation entails, or it's mentioned they have had conversations about it with button, or take it often into consideration. sorry if this is not the kind of feedback you're looking for right now, or if it's unwelcome! feel free to completely ignore lol 😳😳


More assorted chapter 12 feedback: - RE: Glitch’s date (or generally): I would appreciate it if booklover!Buttons had the opportunity to bond with Glitch over literature. (Doesn’t have to be the high-brow kind.) Or hacker!Buttons getting to talk with Glitch about hacking Unity’s server for the ASE. I’m also sure Glitch would get a real kick out of the (cartoonhero) story. - RE: Cartoonhero!Button. If you want to give me a real laugh, let somebody mention the dang framed fake fake beard over the living room fireplace during the debrief. (It’s a minor detail mentioned in chapter 2.) I’d die a little inside if every RO got their own personal reaction in here. However, I do realize that I’m asking a lot, especially after recently campaigning for the tea-lover flag. - RE: Sohvi session. Warning: There’s a lot of soapboxing involved here. 1. #“Guilt is a pro-social emotion that incentives us to maintain positive relationships with others by associating negative sensations to failure.” Already commented on this choice but I’ve changed my mind. Instead of axing it, I would suggest hiding it behind an Interpersonal and/or Insightful check. It just somehow strikes me as a very specific textbook answer. Alternatively, flag for diplomat!Buttons or analyst!Buttons (= chapter 2, ASE approach). 2. The way Sohvi talks about Button’s depression feels a little… off. “The depression you carry.” Almost as if it was an object and not a part of Button. Note: If Button has only been recently depressed, that might be appropriate but if they have been chronically depressed, then it wouldn’t be that easy to separate. Button might even think their depression is an intrinsic part of themself, just another defect, because they have never known anything else. Or never found a way out of their survival mode. I also quite dislike the passive phrasing of “But it can be made lighter.” (I’m not meaning to say “Change it! Change it!”, just “I don’t feel entirely comfortable with Sohvi’s approach and I probably wouldn’t find it very helpful personally.”) 3. Just an observation, not a criticism: Some of Sohvi’s advice seems very… generic? That’s not bad. I’m just the kind of person who prefers specificity. Example: Instead of imagining scolding a separate person, I find it more helpful to imagine scolding my inner child like in that scene I previously linked. The advice holds emotional resonance for me. I also find the argument behind it very reasonable: “You made a judgment about yourself a long time ago and you’re still holding onto it. So, if your judgment is as self-evident as you posit, use it against your childhood self. Why, I wonder, are you suddenly hesitating to repeat the same ugly things with which you have spent the last decade self-flagellating?” Another example: “But I find it helpful to remember that these feelings—the feelings you can’t control, that grow too large for your body—you are not those feelings.” I honestly appreciate the Finnish tangent (though I would prefer more linguistic detail here, just out of curiosity because, sure, language controls the way we process information and the world around us). However, to me as a reader, it again lacks specificity and emotional resonance which, for example, more linguistic detail could provide. I understand this choice from a meta perspective. The less specific, the better it might fit different reader imaginations of their respective Buttons or the way they personally respond to Sohvi’s message and therapeutic approach. Naturally, that won’t stop me from elaborating. It’s been a while but I remember a metaphor that somebody shared about processing intense emotions that I found really compelling and helpful back when I found myself in a state of acute crisis: There is a box with a red button (no pun intended) inside. The red button is an alarm button. Now, sometimes your emotions fill up the box and sometimes they might bounce against the alarm button, triggering it for valid and sometimes less valid reasons. It’s absolutely normal and part of active survival protocols. If you’re under heightened stress and/or dealing with stress for a longer amount of time without releasing it, naturally, your feelings will grow and increasingly fill up the box. Now, the triggering of the red button won’t be merely accidental and/or sporadic. Its increasing frequency will be the logical result of there being no more space left for your feelings to go. Consequently, after a while, the alarm tone might not even actively resonate with you anymore because it’s become a new normal. Was there ever more space or silence inside this box? You honestly don’t remember. The only thing that you’re sure of, is that you’d like a bigger box for all those pesky feelings, please. Also, your ears are ringing, so maybe try getting a hammer and start whacking that shitty alarm system you got installed? Might hurt a bit. But, after all, this is your box. Your box, your choice. To get to the point: The solution is not about box size. (Your box is fine! Never doubt it.) Or the alarm button. (It’s necessary! Don’t disable it! It’s there to help!) Or even the “too many” pesky feelings. (They’re valid if not always logical or pretty. They’re a part of you as is how you choose to recognize and deal with them. Do not force them to match an “appropriate” size or number.) Remember, you are entitled to these feelings. And to your personal alarm. You do not manage how your emotions manifest inside your box or when they trigger your alarm system. That’s never been your task and the desire to control both or either, will only bring you misery. You manage *how well* your emotions fit inside your box. The solution is not more space or to occupy less, it is about you improving your Tetris skills and carefully Marie Kondo'ing the shit out of your mental health, bud. TL;DR: This is the stuff that works for me. Might understandably not work for others. Still thought I’d share. Voilà, have four paragraphs. (Technically, five now! Woof.) 4. “I can also recommend someone else if you’d rather meet with a therapist who isn’t a Ment.” It feels a little presumptuous that “not wanting a Ment therapist” is presented as the only valid reason here for Button wanting to change therapists. “We don’t vibe” should be enough. From my preliminary glimpse into chapter 13: There are two “*if (Nohromance)” statements at the end of *label bestlaidplans and *label damnitall. Meaning: One of those text options won’t be displayed because both flag for the same thing.


To be clear, the long demo is without the updated chapters?


Yup! The long demo consists of the original chapters (1-17). You can find the updated chapters (1-8) in the MB 2.0 demo. MB demo 1.0: https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/project-keepsake/mygame/ MB demo 2.0: https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/mind-blind-20/mygame/


Some general stuff: - RE: Stat menu. 1. Relationships are one of the key components for a lot of players, especially those interested in romance. Personally, I check those stats more than anything else and thus would prefer them to be on the main screen for easier stat navigation. 2. I don’t think we need the extra “In your bookbag” column unless you’re planning to give us a large amount of new items in the last few chapters. If anything, I’d find it more intuitive—albeit, maybe, unnecessarily complicated with regard to their perusal?—to put the Aeon Student Guide and the MIV files in there. 3. The stat explanation column should directly lead us to the explanations and not make us click two separate times to see the Personality Traits and MIV Strategist Types. Further, I’d put both together on one page to simplify accessing them. 4. I would really appreciate some kind of timeline of past political events in the Aeon Student Guide unless that would heavily spoil things. Linking the example from Fallen Hero: Rebirth because I found that one quite helpful: https://i.postimg.cc/m2BXj7Wd/fallen-hero.png 5. The implementation of the Aeon Student Guide isn’t ideal. I’m talking about opening up the grayed-out conversation options in Rosy’s class by accessing the guide in the stat menu. To be precise: Those options are absolutely fine but there should definitely be a hint somewhere that Button has yet to read—and definitely *should*—(have) read the guide. Otherwise, you’re setting your players up to fail. Consider: A large number of players doesn’t go over stat page at the beginning of their game and even if they do, it’s highly likely that some still won’t be able to figure out on their own how to unlock these options. Also, from personal experience: It’s very easy to simply forget to check the guide before it’s already too late. Not fun. (Suggestion for a non-immersion-breaking hint: Okay, let your players fail. But give them an immediate achievement for it that points to the Aeon Student Guide on the stats page.) Chapter 2 nitpick on the side because I was having another look at it: Why would Valero ask “What’s an AMO?” when she has a lot of specific, clearly informed input on the questions from Rosy and Glitch? She even separates between strategists and agents at one point which clearly shows that she has understood and internalized the necessary Unity fundamentals. Examples for Valero’s knowledge: - “Those that are both go to UCRT,” Valero adds, “or to one of the other Elite squads.” - “It’s just the way things are,” Valero says. “Ments become agents, and Norms become their strategists.” - “UCRT doesn’t need strategists,” Valero says. “They can plan their own missions.” Plus: I’d honestly have expected something like an AMO definition to be covered on the ASE. - RE: Noh. 1. Is there a reason why it is never made explicitly clear which song Button is humming in chapter 2? When I first read “Would ${she} even recognize the song? So many lack an appreciation for the classics”, I was sure it had to be something from an opera. Maybe it’s me and the environment I’ve grown up in but I’d consider Simon & Garfunkel to be pretty popular and well-known across all age groups. (Or am I just old?) 2. Noh’s language becomes markedly more stilted here than in comparison to their chapter 1 appearance. While I understand it as a deliberate stylistic choice (= lots of background processes running, not to mention suppressing unhelpful thoughts), I just want to say that I also see it as a huge clue regarding their identity. Don’t think it’s a problem, though, with chapter 14 giving us even more hints. Just mentioning it. Now onto chapter 13: - RE: “We now know that Wiseman reverts back to a Zero when Justice retreats,” ${Kim} says. Was there ever any doubt about it? If so, it didn’t really register with me. What would have been a potential alternative here? Button remaining a Pollard Five? - RE: “Her eyes are even redder than before, having disappeared briefly into the bathroom to cry [...]” Same “problem” here as when Rosy left the Room to clean themself up in chapter 10. Is this bathroom located outside of HQ? And is it possible to “briefly” disappear there when Sally needs Rosy’s biomarker to even use the elevator (unless that’s been changed by now)? - RE: “I only have what ${Kent} and ${Name} got from yesterday’s meeting—which isn’t as much as I’d hoped, given Rudzite’s weird shoe obsession,” I’d say that Reese simply didn’t want to “tell a sole”. Didn’t allow Button to be the “life and sole” of the party. Didn’t believe Button to be a “sole of discretion”. *slaps knees* - RE: Transition from Rosy’s date. Nick wanted to tell Button about Ji-eun before things turned to shit. While I think it’s entirely believable that he would be too distracted in this situation to immediately follow up on this thought, the Vancouver references later could technically stir it up again. Maybe mask the mere possibility by focusing instead on the emotional and psychological toil the Vancouver experience took on Nick. That would also better explain why “[t]he Vancouver attack almost destroyed him” which is a statement I find a little lackluster considering that we still know so little about what truly went on there. Suggestion: Maybe make some small changes to the Karmic Collective portion that also allude to the Vancouver fallout? - RE: “The blood drains from ${Kim}’s cheeks.” The sentence works but I still find it a little weird because I can’t exactly picture Rosy with even a little color in their cheeks. (Unless you are a benevolent God and give us Kim simps an honest-to-God blush along the way.) Suggestion: “The blood drains from their face” would sound a lot less strange to me. - RE: #“Does it matter that this BRS is an injection?” I was honestly a little surprised that Button could ask this because I’d sure as hell have them pegged as knowing the essentials considering the Biotech Trinity knowledge they display in chapter 6. Even if Button didn’t know up until recently, wouldn’t they have researched the topic a little more when John told them about Hope considering a BRS for herself? Same with Sally asking the question because, if she hates her powers so much, why wouldn’t she have looked into the topic? John even mentions her in chapter 3 in this context: “But a BRS could also help people like your friend Sally and other Ments who don’t want their abilities.” A pointed possibility: Sally knowing more BRS details when she has a bad Button relationship because she is preparing herself for a life without them. - RE: “But altering someone’s brain chemistry? For good?” Makes me really wonder how this society approaches the topic of antidepressants. - RE: “${Kim}’s cheeks are pale, but ${khis} voice remains unemotive.” Again, I would see blushy Rosy cheeks as a better indicator for their emotions than pale Rosy cheeks. YMMV, of course. - RE: #I shudder. Combined with the explosion at Aeon, that’s two bombings connected to ${Andy}. I find this connection to be too circumstantial for it to elicit such a reaction. After all, unless Button thinks Andy is secretly a Ment, they weren’t in any way responsible for the Aeon bombing. Now, to think that a Ment bomber could have been ~inspired by Vancouver in any way to wreak havoc on their own? That’s kinda scary. - RE: “[i]That’s what Dad was always afraid of,[/i] Nick thinks, sounding tired.” I definitely need clarification on John’s own involvement with Mirrortech (“Sally isn't the reason you went to work for Mirrortech”). Moments in the past that made me pause: - Unity would be the biggest buyer of Mirrortech’s BRS, assuming they haven’t already invested in its creation (which, given your father’s involvement, is likely). - “After all your insistence that BR Suppressors were nothing but government-funded attempts to mutilate people’s brains? Another form of Ment discrimination, you called it.” Dad dismisses his decades’ worth of conviction with a small shrug. - [i]All three have attempted to develop Brainrange Suppressors,[/i] Nick thinks. [i] Psynetics’ and Turntable’s efforts never made it to the trial stage. I think Dad had something to do with halting their programs. And Mirrortech’s efforts . . .[/i] - RE: “The fancy-dancy foot—you know, Rosy was right, I need to think up a new name” Glitchmancer!Buttons could either console Glitch or propose a new name in the following choice. They could also lovingly call Glitch their “sole mate” or the “sole provider of Operation Hemera”. (Note: Maybe “sole mate” would be more appropriate for Kenzie?) - RE: “I just realized we can call him “Dr. Butler.” Now there’s a proper villain.” This reads confusing because you haven’t yet established Isaiah’s surname as “Butler” here. Also, another joke suggestion: Glitch could make a crack about Doctor Butler's Hemorrhoid Cream by calling Isaiah “a pain in the ass”. - RE: “How’s my favorite freedom fighter?” Button could complain about Andy like they threatened to do in chapter 11: “I can’t wait to tell Reese that you’re the reason I’m declining ${this} invitation.” - RE: “You and Zarneki will meet ${Andy} in front of Harold Washington Library at four pm later today” Would be nice for booklover!Buttons to get some flavor text here or later on. - RE: “How droll. If Reese wants to threaten you, ${the}’ll need to do better than Nick’s death.” Maybe even some of the most anti-Nick Buttons should acknowledge that Nick’s death would make them once again vulnerable to the mysterious bomber’s crazy machinations? - RE: “Sally shivers. 'Would Rudzite really hurt Nick?’” Maybe an additional reaction here for Snickly!Sally when Rosy answers in the affirmative? - RE: “Unity protocol ranks your wellbeing of least importance,” Unity-critical!Button could mention in therapy with Sohvi that it’s hypocritical of Unity to send them to her considering the mission-first protocols. They could also call her out for wanting to give them a day off when Unity would have no qualms with sending them into certain death mere two days later if the need arose. - RE: “${Kim} actually looks conflicted, which you find somewhat surprising.” Maybe Rosymancer!Buttons would be a little less surprised here? Or they could notice more than what’s on the surface because “your newfound fascination with ${Kim} means that you’re examining ${khim} as closely as ${khe} does you”. - RE: The Insightful check in *label whattodo reads a little sparse in comparison with the other two. - RE: “Vengeance is still allied with at least one Ment,” ${Kim} snaps. “Making Zarneki’s mind vulnerable isn’t an option.” Rosymancer!Buttons who now know about their troubled childhood should be able to connect the dots with regard to the vehemence of Rosy’s reaction to Glitch’s Loyalty Bands suggestion. - RE: “I don’t care what Kim orders. He can’t stop me from checking out a book.” $!{Khe} - RE: Goodbye before Reese meeting. Is it intentional that Button doesn’t get to exchange any last words with Rosy?


- RE: Timeline inconsistencies. Aeon Student Guide: “In 2002, following the end of the Korean Reunification and the United Nation’s establishment of Unity,” Chapter 7: “[B]ut [Vengeance] only became internationally active around two decades ago [...] With the end of the Korean Reunification War [...] and the founding of Unity.” > Conclusion: MB takes place in 2022. Chapter 7: “Rudzite started Vengeance in the 1970’s [...] Vengeance has existed for sixty years,” > Conclusion: MB takes place somewhere in the 2030s. Ambivalent: Chapter 5: “[Miss Marple] aired over forty years ago. What’s he afraid that Sally will do? Spoil the ending?” According to Wikipedia, the show aired from 1984 until 1992. This range allows for ambiguity: Does MB take place in the 2020s or the 2030s? More on the first half of chapter 13: - RE: Equipment. Button should inquire if Rosy can give them anything new to protect themself. I’d also like Gray (or a romanced Glitch) to be heavily in favor and make suggestions here. Naturally, Rosy disagrees with all of them. - RE: John. If he halted other BRS developments (which, I presume, could have legitimately helped people?) because, for some reason, he chained himself to Mirrortech and wants to benefit from giving them a leg-up with Unity, then that’s shady. Or am I reading it wrong and John stopped the developments in his function as UCRT’s Justice? That would be an entirely different matter. - RE: Fancy-dancy feet. I can’t believe that I missed the obvious “con-sole” pun when I wrote “Glitchmancer!Buttons could either console Glitch [...]” That said, how about “console” as a new name or part of the new name? It’s a sole to CON and CONvict people. And it’s meant to listen in on CONversations. Plus, Glitch’s working environment consisting of consoles and all that. - RE: Loyalty Bands. 1. Unity-critical!Button could ask themself why Unity has something like that in their storage and if they would use it if push came to shove or might even be experimenting with similar technology. 2. Kenziemancer!Buttons could react just as appalled as Rosy. On the other hand, some Buttons might want Kenzie to become a little more like them even if it’s just born out of desperation to not be the only “different” one anymore or to finally be able to share their experience with a loved one who understands. 3. I’d like some more historical background info for Rosymancer!Buttons. Could they assume Loyalty Bands were not only used on soldiers but also on civilians like Rosy (or their family) considering that Rosy is a Lo-Po and the bands “never had any effect on Ments—above a Level 4”. Not to mention that, according to the student guide, “the atrocities committed upon North Korea’s populace by its Ment leadership must not be understated”. (Wouldn’t mind this being another grayed-out option tied to reading the study guide.) - RE: “That must be the story that ${khe}’s told Reese.” Button could file this away as something to exploit against ${Andy} if needed. - RE: “I don’t suppose there’s any of Jerri’s bruschetta left over?” This statement could earn a negative ${Andy} reaction when Button didn’t eat any of the bruschetta. After all, it would be clear to ${Andy} that Button is not mentioning it out of genuine appreciation for Jerri’s food and hospitality. - RE: “We were content to listen to your conversations, but are just as happy that you’ve proven yourself by finding the bug.” 1. Kenzie should say “We *would have been* content to listen to your conversations” considering that no actual conversations were taking place. If Button and Kenzie had actively listened, they would know that. 2. If (rugbug true), I’d die a little if you let Button quip that they felt “as snug as a bug in a rug” at the party and thus left their mark in Reese’s office as an appropriate, albeit very literal, form of appreciation. 3. If Button told Reese that they are ransacking their office at the party, they could now argue that they never hid their true motives in the first place. - RE: “$!{Andy} parts ${Kent}’s dark, wavy hair and attaches the pill-sized suction cups to ${khis} scalp with a clinical, practiced ease,” I would like a more individual section that acknowledges Kenna’s long hair. Would she wear it open during a mission like this? - RE: “As ${Andy} and Reese watch the CRT screen for ${Kent}’s Pollard Score, you . . .” Button could try to bait Nick with a controversial statement that he would usually react to with great indignation. Examples: An opinion about baking or cooking (crockpots being overrated, Jamie Oliver > Rachael Ray) or “Murder, She Wrote”’s Jessica Fletcher being superior to Miss Marple. Button could also vow to throw another muffin in Rosy’s face if only Nick comes back to them. - RE: “If Reese and ${Andy} plan to administer a Chemical BRS to Nick, as you suspect they intend, then they’d likely want to be there in person to witness the results—or so you hope.” It should be pointed out somewhere how long this procedure might take. Wouldn’t hurt to reference previous illegal attempts at creating a Chemical BRS in order to show us exactly with what kind of epic shitshow potential we’re working here. - RE: “Remember: we’re different from Unity, and are not defined by our Pollard Scores.” A Button wanting to bait Reese over their alleged Ment status could use this statement against them. Maybe Reese doesn’t want to be defined by their own Pollard Score because they are secretly a Ment? - RE: #Welp, ${Kim} won’t be able to say that I didn’t try. I swing my fist at Reese’s face. Maybe a different flavor here for brawler!Buttons? - RE: “The bomb we set at UCRT’s headquarters should’ve earned us enough good will.” This statement could earn Buttons with a low Vengeance / ${Andy} / Reese trust level the criticism that the bomb was disappointingly non-lethal and thus could be seen as cramping Vengeance’s style. Or maybe they’d find it sloppy because Button didn’t follow the Vancouver MO of causing as many lowly Unity Ment casualties as possible, thereby preventing them from getting the press coverage they deserved. Moreover: Unity got away with their “gas leak” explanation. How gauche. - RE: “If nothing else, asking Reese a question will buy you some time. Enough time, hopefully, for Nick to come back.” Buttons with the “Reese is a Ment” strategy could ask about Reese’s Pollard Score or their willingness to take the test right after them. Quid pro quo. - RE: “You and ${Kent} of all people must be aware that it requires cooperation to pull off an attack on Unity [...] The person responsible for Vancouver is dead,” Are these statements intended to contradict each other? On the one hand, you need people in order to successfully attack Unity. But on the other, one person alone was responsible and is—very conveniently, I might add— dead now? (If it turns out to be a woman named Gillian, I honestly don’t even know what to say.) Sidenote: Button should mention the whole thing during the debrief and see whether Rosy or Gray find it believable. - RE: “Nepotism never pays off, does it? UCRT’s Justice should’ve taught us that.” Anti-Nick Buttons should be able to genuinely agree. Regardless of their Nick feelings, Button could also quip that nepotism did indeed pay off when their family name paved their way right into the very organization they were planning to bomb. - RE: “${Kent}’s shock at your wasted question flashes across ${khis} normally impassive face—as does ${khis} hurt at your apparently genuine interest in Reese.” If I were Kenzie, I’d lose all my attraction to Button at this very moment. I also get the feeling that those Buttons do not deserve a piano kiss. - RE: “I refuse to take the Pollard Test.” / “I should refuse to take the Pollard Test on principle,” Button could pretentiously point out that “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House”. Can Vengeance truly tout their agenda of equality and freedom when they, in the same breath, proceed to rely on the subjugation tools of Ment society? - RE: “Some of the other members are still slow to trust, but I assure you that Isaiah is nothing to worry about.” Reese could reference Button’s friendship with Sally here as a potential reason not to worry about Isaiah. If Button tolerates a Precog in their own life, who are they to judge? Further, if Button’s Interpersonal / Insightful is high enough and they witnessed Isaiah’s prophecy, they could make a comment about having a “Ment pet” of their own to further ingratiate themself with Reese. - RE: “You seem willing to follow ${thim} through hell or high water, but I’ve done more in a month than Reese has done ${this} entire life.” Would be fun to push this issue further. Another argument: Reese has no problem recruiting loony-bin Ments while Button bombs a Ment family member. Who is more invested in the cause? While responding to this question might seem easy-peasy, the answer sure as hell ain’t Reesey-peasy. - RE: “That I’ve never heard your name until I sought you out to help you?” Button could point out that Reese likes taking credit for things they didn’t do: Appropriating Viktors Rudzite’s name while only honoring it with apathy and inaction or the overly long tirade video that they sent out to news stations in order to claim the bombing for themself. - RE: “River, that’s enough,” ${khe} whispers. Could be a detail mentioned in the debrief. Should definitely have an impact on Button finding Reese’s passport in chapter 15. - RE: #“You intend to give Nick a BRS. Why?” I don’t know but I find this question weird. If I were Reese, I’d assume that Button was giving me pointers with the secret Unity documents. As such, Reese could expect Button to be thankful that they were ~inspired by their input, so to speak. - RE: ${Andy} handling Button roughly while attaching the suction cups. Reese could intervene and reprimand Andy if they like Button and/or have flirted with them. If I’m reading them correctly, Reese would prefer to be the only one leaving marks on the things and people they love or admire. - RE: Button going into physical confrontation mode. Klutzy!Buttons should be faced with difficulties here that brawny or normal Buttons do not encounter. For example, klutzy!Buttons could drop the EMP device. Or they accidentally hurt themself while attacking Reese. - RE: K protecting Button from ${Andy}. If Button exposed Kenzie during the car conversation, ${Andy} could reveal this now in a desperate attempt to sow discord between them. - RE: Pointing the gun. I’d love being able to point the gun at ${Andy} and blame them for the malfunctioning Pollard machine. Depending on Button’s trust level and the argument they present (= ${Andy} lying to Reese about their injury, Button giving ${Andy} Caleb’s USB, ${Andy} having been a lab technician and thus possessing the technical know-how), this could either be met with Reese’s bored scorn or their intrigued amusement. - RE: “That’s right,” you continue, enjoying Reese’s look of distressed shock. “Vengeance allied itself with a brainwashing Ment. You’re got suckered by the very enemy whom you claim to fight.” This revelation should definitely have consequences down the line. I’d also like to know if the members of Operation Hemera approve of giving up this information to Reese. What if Reese was recording the conversation? Could such a leak bring Unity bad PR because they lied about the explosion and intentionally omitted Button’s involvement? (I’m sure Clarence Garfield would love to talk to the press about this!) - RE: “You both run as fast as you can down the hallway and to the penthouse exit.” If the slippers aren’t helpful here and Button / K get rid of them mid-run, mention that for a livelier scene. Bookish!Buttons or klutzy!Buttons could be out of breath and later have difficulties maneuvering the piano. - RE: “You scan the surroundings. The couch would be blasted right through,” You could acknowledge Rosy’s training session here because they taught Button to analyze and take advantage of their surroundings. - RE: “We’re on the fortieth floor” Was this mentioned before? - RE: #If I’m about to die. If you haven’t resolved the Graydenial issue yet (= Buttons in denial about their feelings not yet having an in-game outlet), I’d propose this as a Big Epiphany Moment with Button screaming their Gray love confession at the top of their lungs only to find Gray suddenly standing in the entryway. It’s super silly and I don’t expect you to actually do it, but I nonetheless find the image super funny and would play the shit out of that. - RE: “You threatened to blow up my favorite library.” If Button earlier concluded that Reese was bluffing all along, this statement could actually work to keep the teasing banter between them going. Reese could answer something along the lines of, “Sorry, darling, next time I’ll make sure to target the one you hate.” - RE: #I need to keep ${Andy} focused on me in order to give ${Kent} an opportunity to disarm ${khim}. Maybe Button could bring up the contents of Caleb’s USB? Or bluff that Unity has detained Caleb already? In contrast, they could also try bringing up Isaiah being in Unity custody only for that to fail. If you decide to go with the bit about their family history that I suggested in another comment for the car ride in chapter 11, Button could distract or manipulate ${Andy} with that. - RE: “[S]truggle akin to arm-wrestling.” Kickboxer!Buttons could have an advantage here. - RE: “Technology is my expertise,” you say truthfully. Insightful / Innovative Buttons could list technical details about the Aeon bomb given to them by Rosy during the interrogation to emphasize their technological genius. This, however, could fail if Reese was previously not impressed by the bomb due to low trust levels. - RE: “By the authority of Unity, you’re under arrest.” Please tell me that this is not how it usually works in reality. *snorts* If it indeed isn’t, I’d like an amused Kenzie reaction somewhere afterward. - RE: “You must have a solid left-hook.” Did I miss the reason why it has to be a left-hook? If not, I’d advise to give us the opportunity to make our Buttons left-handed, right-handed or ambidextrous. The easiest option would be letting them catch something with their dominant hand early in the game. Or maybe they shoot only one finger gun at themself in the mirror? - RE: Kenzie shielding Button from the splinters when romanced. Same thing as the flower issue from before. Some players might feel emasculated when the girlfriend protects their male Button. (Feeling dirty typing this but I try to be thorough. Any guy who wouldn’t celebrate his tough-as-nails girlfriend as the trooper she is, isn’t worthy of her greatness and very sexy biceps.) - RE: “You’re trapped inside a building that’s about to explode.” Ethical Buttons could now think about all the other people in the building dying along with them because Button screwed up. - RE: Gray, Glitch and Rosy appearance. Romanced Glitch and Gray should react a little differently. Maybe they inspect Button’s splinter wounds? The only additional Rosy attention I would campaign for, is for them to yell at Button (even if intrigued) in case Button seriously messed up somewhere. For example, by letting it slip that a Ment was controlling them? - RE: Ace Kenzie kiss. Didn’t see anything here that made my ace senses tingle in a bad way. What do you mean re: “how would you like to see the kiss with Kenzie play out?” With regard to future intimacy or in this scene right here? With regard to future intimacy, I’d honestly love to have a talk with them and to get option to decide how to approach Button’s lack of sexual attraction and in which way they and their chosen partner are compatible. That said, I don’t really expect it to happen. It’s more of a wouldn’t-that-be-nice scenario. Last but not least: - Definite lack of options for Button to be anti-Ment, anti-Nick, pro-Vengeance. I don’t feel able to make specific suggestions for improvement here until I know the approximate range of evil you are willing to give us. - I had expected Button’s different Reese approaches (= Reese being a Ment, damaging equipment) to be more of a guiding thread throughout the meeting and I would have liked to see more conversation options related to them. - Aside from protecting Button, it would be great if Kenzie got a little more time to shine and display their rank as Aeon’s No. 1 AMO. Let them make some decisions without Button’s input that Button might not have made due to their inexperience as a field agent.


Trying to tie this feedback chain up including a bigger focus on scenery description at the end. - RE: “It’s getting late,” ${khe} says politely. Kenzie shouldn’t signal it’s time to leave before they themself had a chance to converse with Reese or check out the apartment. Otherwise, they’re putting the onus of the reconnaissance work squarely on Button’s shoulders. I also feel they should get some separate attention from Reese and/or ${Andy} if Button identified them as their contact. Like this, we could get more of a glimpse at K’s AMO skills and, playing their cards right, they might even produce some more bomber identity clues. - RE: “Sally catches you, although the weight of your body causes her to stumble back.” Should be limited to Buttons who are average size, tall or very tall. I don’t think Sally would have much trouble catching a short Button. Considering that she had to start up jogging for her Aeon application to go through, she shouldn’t be completely out of shape. - RE: Andy dream. It’s getting yand(y)ere in herre, so get back in your cage. - RE: Sohvi. Not trying to open this “what’s depression” discussion anew. I was just wondering: Sohvi seems to perceive the world in neatly labeled, packaged emotions due to being an Empath. It might be worthwhile to at least acknowledge the fact that some people find it harder to extricate themself from their feelings. Especially those who suffered long-time trauma, may have repressed a huge chunk of emotions and who were formed from their environment from the inside out. I just find it interesting how (dis)ability forms inner worlds and the way we communicate about them. - RE: Glitch mentioning vegan mayo. Button had the opportunity to pretend that their non-vegan breakfast was vegan in order to bribe Glitch. Could Glitch now assume that Button is also a vegan, say something like “you know how it is” and Button gets the chance to finally confess and apologize? I really dislike that, so far, there hasn’t been a conclusion to this lie and so should any Button who wouldn’t want to deceive their romantic partner long-term over a stupid assignment. Especially with Glitch making every effort to be honest here in order for them and Button to work out. - RE: “$!{The} tells you about ${this} mother, and what few memories ${the} has about ${this} dad. / You in turn explain your mind blindness in more depth, touching upon the tensions it’s created with your own family.” I’d personally enjoy even a short excerpt of this conversation so much more than a summary. - RE: “I couldn’t go back,” ${khe} says. Parallel: What about Button’s own family home? Did they ever go back there after moving in with Nick? Did or do they have a place to grieve? - RE: #I heave a morose sigh. “You two had an idea? How unfair. All I have is a death wish.” Was surprised to see that this option didn’t hinge on Button’s Morbidity stat. - RE: “but it’s not exactly dinner for two at Le Fancy French Restaurant.” Buttons with a high Insightful stat could analyze the effort behind Gray’s “idea”. It’s obviously something he invested quite a lot of thought into (the helmet, clearing Button’s schedule with Rosy), at least more than it would have taken him to book a table at an expensive restaurant. - RE: “too nervous to even appreciate the fact that you’re embracing your years-old crush.” Maybe I didn’t notice it in the code but shouldn’t this be limited to Buttons who didn’t newly realize their feelings for Gray? - RE: Isaiah sketch. I feel that, if Button went with “A strawberry birthmark shaped like the Queen of England under ${this} right nostril”, a frustrated Rosy might snarkily bring up the unlikelihood of another royalty-shaped mole on a suspect’s body. - RE: Nick’s Ji-eun epiphany. I think this might work better if Nick at least got to openly acknowledge the possibility that Ji-eun was a Ment. While the direction of Nick’s thought leap should be pretty obvious to anyone, it does kind of downplay the facts that a) Unity does recruit Norms as well and b) that Rosy is a Lo-Po seemingly engaged in furthering the career prospects of other Lo-Pos in the context of the NPO Initiative. As such, the “Ji-eun = Ment” assumption shouldn’t remain unvoiced, IMHO. Further: Rosy tells Button that they came to the US almost ten years ago and that they were too late to save their sister. Given the ambiguous information provided (= “too late” meaning that Rosy came too late to the US because she’s been dead for over ten years?), the Vancouver logic jump appears a little erratic. Sure, Rosy mentions her Canadian birth family but that connection is very thin. There’s definitely a piece missing here to make the conclusion really stick—unless Nick suddenly remembered a very pertinent detail of the mission like the name of a victim. - RE: Mirrortech. If K can react to the Mirrortech/Andy and Mirrortech/Isaiah connection, so should Nick and Button due to John’s own association with the company. - RE: Loyalty Bands. 1. We should definitely get to ask K about their Loyalty Bands reaction (“with only ${Kent} acting silently intrigued”).What are their thoughts on becoming more susceptible to Ment manipulation? Is their trust in themself enough to allow increased mental vulnerability? (“People need to recognize that they can fight back.”) 2. Exactly how much knowledge about the contents of Unity’s vault does Glitch possess? Could some Glitchmancers, Glitchfriend!Buttons or Ethical Buttons be appalled over Glitch’s recklessness? As childhood guinea pigs and (potentially) knowing about Glitch’s personal health problems, why would they risk gambling with their best friend’s brain in such a way? I’d also like to know more about how these Loyalty Bands work. Are their effects temporary or does the use on a person come with consequences / irreparable neural damage? 3. “There’s a reason that Loyalty Bands never made it into your history textbooks;” This strikes me as a remarkably naive way of thinking. Not as in “It shouldn’t be there” because some Buttons might clearly reason like this, but the argument seems weak. After all, it not being in history textbooks clearly didn’t prevent Unity from procuring Loyalty Bands for their own vault. If those things are so terrible, why not destroy them once and for all? I wish there would be an option to be more critical here, similar to Button’s opinion on the “objectivity” of the Aeon study guide. - The detail about the broken fridge in Reese’s apartment struck me as odd. Not odd as in “this doesn't work” odd, just “huh, I expected something to come from this” odd. - Would Button’s ekrixiphobia be triggered during Reese’s bomb bluff? And if it is triggered, would it hinder their escape in some way? Could Buttons with ekrixiphobia seek platonic/romantic comfort from K behind the piano? - Why is Sally not there with Gray, Glitch and Rosy at the end? Her “I’ll be inside the library if you need me [...] I don’t care what Kim orders” (if romanced) sounded very convincing. - Pulling the plug on Operation Hemera: If this decision might in any way affect the future of the NPO Initiative, let us know later on. - I was wondering whether there should actually be a point where Button gets to inquire or at least ask themself about a partner in Rosy’s life. It’s just that teachers’ private lives tend to be way more inscrutable than those of classmates. Suggestion: A more or less subtle option for asking Rosy about a relationship in addition to “Do you find me attractive?” Potential line of thinking, depending on Rosy’s denial at present: It’s reasonable for Button to seek comfort and personal guidance from a figure of authority after what they just went through. While there are limits to the acceptability of teacher-student relations, the general admission of singlehood neither constitutes an open invitation to nor an implicit approval of faculty-student fraternization. Refraining from answering the inquiry solely to uphold an impossibly high standard of propriety—one which Rosy does not care to enforce across the board even at the best of times (= Glitch)—would likely be deemed by some as more conspicuous and damning than carefully indulging an at-risk asset’s curiosity during a single moment of vulnerability. Note: If Button handed in the fraternization essay, Rosy would of course nope out of answering altogether as it would thoroughly destroy any pretext of this being “a ‘single’ (heh) moment of vulnerability”. - RE: “You and ${Kim} exit her office. Back in the hallway, your energy seems to depart. Today has been long, too long. You slump against the wall. “Walk with me,” ${Kim} says. You walk side by side,” The “slump > walk” transition is a little choppy. While I have no doubt that Rosy wouldn’t particularly care about Button’s display of exhaustion, the narrative should still follow up with Button expressing it in the way they decide to follow Rosy’s command—either outwardly or inwardly. Alternatively, Rosy could show awareness of Button’s fatigue by either validating their mission performance, indicating that they will allow Button to rest as soon as they have reached the new target location, or accommodating Button with an appropriately slowed-down pace just as they did for bookish Buttons on the stairs up to HQ. Scenery / Description: - RE: HQ facilities. I think it would be beneficial to add that there’s an adjoining bathroom in HQ. It just doesn’t make much sense that people would have to leave the room to clean up or relieve themselves all the time, especially with a larger team. Why bother when the “hiding in plain sight” tactic could easily be compromised over questions such as “Why did the best AMO in our year just come out of the extra credit room again?” (I know that they meet before class but is that alone precaution enough with a Ment bomber on the loose who could very well be an Aeon student or staff member?) - RE: Reese’s apartment. Art! or booklover!Buttons could have some more things to say about the design of Reese's apartment. Further: Is there anti-Ment art out there or artists with anti-Ment agendas whom Reese could be supporting? Maybe Latvian art in honor of Vengeance’s origins? Or works with a focus on the occult? This could also build a bridge to the question of why Reese would keep somebody like Isaiah around as some sort of Rasputin type. - RE: “Glitch sweeps ${this} arm to present a surprisingly cozy bookstore.” Maybe put more of that coziness on-screen? - RE: “The murals are beautiful, or at the very least thought-provoking,” Why? How? Art!Buttons, assemble. - RE: “Her art is beautiful, after all.” In which way? Examples? - RE: Gray’s date. I quite liked the location descriptions towards the end and would love to see more of that throughout the drive. - RE: Rosy date. 1. Since Button didn’t mention the electric kettle in chapter 3’s office description (“a sitcom set, its nondescript furniture arranged in too-perfect parallels and barren of any personal mementos”), either have Rosy surprisingly whip the kettle out from somewhere or already mention it in the third chapter. Personally, I would welcome the former because a kettle out in the open could be interpreted by some as an invitation to stay which probably goes against Rosy’s prickly “leave me the hell alone” agenda. 2. Why does Rosy “[rise] from ${khis} chair, picking up ${khis} empty teacup and heading towards the door”? If it were important to take the cups with them, they should also take Button’s. However, considering that they want to check in with Glitch, it seems strange to take and transport the cups out of the office in the first place. If the action is meant to be a sign of extreme cleanliness / fastidiousness, make that motivation clearer and maybe indicate where Rosy is putting the cups and to what effect. Edit: Leave the cup if you want to go for dramatics here. Rosy could let it fall before or while rushing back to Button’s side. Either way, if Rosy is holding something while they attempt to leave the office, they need to let go off it before touching Button’s face with both hands.


Had a look at some of the MB 2.0 identity flags. Here are suggestions how they could influence dealing with Reese and Vengeance: - Bandcamp! and Musiclover!Buttons could add something after K has already identified the piece of music that Reese was playing. It would make sense for Button to signal similar musical sensibilities and talents if only to butter Reese up. There's also a big focus on Reese's piano hands throughout, so it might be realistic for a musician!Button to pettily consider damaging Reese's fingers while planning a physical attack on them---even though (or because?) Reese keeps their hands carefully hidden beneath the table in chapter 13. - Debateteam!Buttons, Dramakid!Buttons and/or Classclown!Buttons might have a natural knack for undercover work because they are adept at playing a role, constructing arguments to persuade people or reading the room in order to entertain. When I say "excel", I mean something like maybe a one-time bonus in Vengeance trust? However, I'm not sure if that would actually be an improvement to the established trust mechanics because I like them as they are. - Don't really have a good idea for Swimmer!Buttons or Baseball!Buttons but they could be similarly in tune with their bodies as brawler!Buttons unless it was already specified that the MC is bookish and/or klutzy in nature.