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I'm code-running Chapters 8 & 9 right now (and adding a million more edits as I do so, because I CAN'T STOP), but fingers crossed that I can get it all fixed today! It's taken longer than anticipated to comb through the new edits for bugs, as I added a lot of additional reactivity within various dialogues--many of which ended up being coded incorrectly due to Microsoft Word's Autoformat function (I have since learned to turn off the automatic tabbing).

I know not everyone code dives, but I wanted to give you guys a behind-the-scenes glimpse into how a lot of the new dialogues shift depending on Button's stats and relationships. (Fine. I mostly wanted to show off the superhero names that Nick came up with and ask if anyone has a better suggestion for Confident Buttons other than "Surety.") 

Apologies for the wonky formatting! I tried to simplify the code to make it easier to read.

EDIT: I'm going to make a poll with all the new suggested facenames for Confident Button and let you guys vote on the winner, as I get the impression that I'm going to have trouble deciding independently due to all the great suggestions.

* * * *

 ${Kim} ignores him. “If Vengeance believes you and Zarneki already share a relationship, then they’ll be easier to convince that you planned the bombing together.”

Selectable Choice: I don’t get to choose my own codename? Boo.

I have a few suggestions on that front! Nick thinks.

*if (Nick > 130)

           Option one: Kid Justice.

*elseif (Nick > 100)

         Option one: Harmony. I’ve always said that the Ideals needed a member called Harmony.

*elseif (Nick > 70)

          Option one: Zero. Just Zero. Out of context, it sounds badass.


           Option one: Soulsucker. I mean, it’s basically what you’ve done to my mind.

Then again, Hemera works. For now, at least.

*if (Effort > 20)

               Option two: Lucky. It’s ironic, get it?

*elseif (morbidity > 40)

             Option two: Doomsday.

*elseif (confidence > 40)

             Option two: Surety. That’s a quality I admire about you, you know.


            Option two: Wisecracker.

You can grant yourself a cooler callsign later.

Option three: The Buttonator.

. . . A callsign of your own choosing.



Maybe for another code name for the self confident one you could use Dauntless?

Jaime Ford

Omg...The buttonator. Nick's thoughts that only button hears are just *chef's kiss*


Null. Together with Nox we shall be "Null and Void". Coming to your local TV station this fall (☞゚∀゚)☞


Suggestion: Valiant? Out of curiosity: What does Nick call a “Button” who goes by “Boo-boo” instead? Boo-boonator? Scooby-Boo?