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Thank you everyone so much for your feedback! It was clear that a lot of you put a lot of thought into your comments, and I appreciate it so much. 

Mind Blind 2.0: https://dashingdon.com/play/wildelight/mind-blind-20/mygame/ 

There were a lot of great suggestions, and I'm only sorry that I wasn't able to respond to and implement it all. That being said, I do talk about some of my decisions in greater depth on the Sanctum Discord, so I'd highly recommend joining if you're curious why certain changes/additions may not have made the cut or have alternatively have been left to be mentioned in a different chapter.  If you're curious why something may not have made the cut, feel free to ask! There were several options that I tried out but ultimately dismissed as either not working or (and this was more common) adding too much variation to future chapters for me to handle.

Truthfully, I had to restrain myself from adding a lot of new paths (I'll post a few as blooper reels later). Nothing changed too drastically story-wise, with the exception of Sally's introduction on the train route, but you'll hopefully be able to notice a little more nuance and clarity with some of the choices (as well as things I felt were missing, like the option to develop a crush on Gray even if you don't select the option "he stole my heart").  

A bunch of major changes happened behind the scenes in the code, especially when it comes to what information is now being tracked about Button for future chapters. 

Now being tracked in Chapter 1 alone, and just for Button's background, are the new variables: sheltervolunteer, debateteam, bandcamp, baseball, swimteam, dramakid, classclown, gothkid. booklover (an old variable, now tracked earlier), kayaker, and musiclover. 

I feel like all these variables are self-descriptive enough that they don't need to be explained, and they'll be options later on if you don't go the flashback route in Chapter 1. But tracking them early on will result in a much more customized experience and lots more flavor text potential. And of course, the relationship stats have all been reworked. A certain evil monologue also got yet another rendition, which is both closer too and yet more different from it's original version.

I'll be making another post in a few minutes about suggestions for Chapter 2, and look forward to hearing from you!


John Q. Adams

I really enjoyed the new additions to the story. They felt subtle, but really clarified some details about mind blindness early in the story.


Thank you!! Making sure that things are more polished/clear is my biggest goal other than fixing the code.