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All the major characters in Mind Blind have been interviewed (some more than once).

Only one man remains unchosen: Clarence.

Now, some of you might think that Administrator Garfield is a boring choice. The annoying choice. 

However, Clarence is a font of gossip. Not despite his position, but because of it. Secretaries are terrifying. They know everything about their workplace and coworkers (I used to be one, albeit briefly, and I swear the other secretaries were actually super spies in disguise). Not only that, but Clarence has zero discretion when exposed to the spotlight.  

If you're interested in learning the most embarrassing escapades of Unity's best and brightest, then I highly recommend voting for him to be this month's interviewee. Despite my personal bias (I think that Clarence and Nick would be hysterical to write together), I do want to provide you with choices. Thus, the other slots on the polls.

Rather than reinterview Mind Blind's RO's separately, I thought it might be fun to pair up Sally with Gray (for their insight into the Wiseman family) and Kenzie with Glitch (for their insight on each other). Rosy, alas, isn't an option this time around because no one loves them enough (I kid, but I think that the most interesting combo for Rosy would be with Nick, and they've already been paired as interviewer/interviewee).

Finally, there's a wild card option. Rather than interview a Mind Blind cast member, you can also vote for Balti, one of Delivery for the Damned's RO's, and the only one that I feel currently confident enough in their characterization to let answer questions (his description can be found here: www.patreon.com/posts/delivery-for-47085049).

Please keep in mind that Balti might be a better choice to interrogate later, after I start writing Delivery and fully learn his voice. If interviewed now, it's possible that his answers may not remain canon after the writing process begins.

Vote for January's interviewee below:


Skippy Hugo

If Clarence wins, Nick should interview via their sibling.

Chigusa Eyes

I vote for Balti out of loyalty, but I am READY for the 🍵


Considering the way Rosy dismissed Clarence at the beginning when he tried to tell people about MC sneaking around... and the situation after and now... I dare say Rosy and Clarence would be an interesting combo, bc Clarence was RIGHT and Rosy was WRONG. And as far as I am aware, Clarence is nothing if not tenacious when it comes to sharing his opinions.