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Note of Warning: SERIOUSLY THERE ARE SPOILERS. A lot of what's talked in this interview has yet to be fully revealed in game, so you may want to save this for later if you prefer to continue being surprised by Mind Blind.

* * * *

The stage has only two chairs.

The first is occupied by Nicholas Wiseman. He sits on its edge, shoulders rigid and legs taunt as if prepared to spring upright at a moment’s notice. Instead of a suit, he wears his UCRT gear, lightweight black body armor with “Justice” on the back in white-gold lettering. A precautionary measure, to be sure, but also a visual warning not to try anything for the man who sits in the second chair.

Viewing the stage through a screen, watchers might attribute the second man’s blurred features to a technical editor, but even in person, his face is an undefinable blot to most watchers.

Not to Nick, however. Nick sees the other’s man face, recognizes his identity, and barely restrains himself from punching today’s interviewee in the face.

Nick, sarcastically: So, Shard. Great name, really. Very metaphorical, if the metaphor you’re going for is “broken edgy angst-lord.”

Shard: I would’ve preferred no name at all.

Nick: And yet you have so many! Personally, I’m inclined to call you “heartless bastard.”

Shard doesn’t react. Nick laughs bitterly.

Nick: Right, what was I thinking, expecting an apology from you of all people? I hope you weren’t expecting my gratitude, considering you’re the reason why I was in that situation to begin with.

Shard: My only expectation for this interview is that there would be questions. Thus far, it seems I calculated incorrectly.

Nick: You calculated a shit ton of things incorrectly, didn’t you?

Nick’s fists clench atop his knees. He takes a deep breath, fingers relaxing one by one, before continuing.

Nick: But you’re right about questions, even if you got everything else horribly wrong. You said that you would’ve preferred to have no name at all—and trust me, right now I wish that you didn’t exist either—but what facename would you have chosen? Had you been one of us instead of you.

Although Nick uses the word “you,” his tone implies a myriad of explicit alternatives.

Shard: AMOs customarily choose facenames based on how their powers present.

Nick: So yours would’ve been, what, Illusion? Mirage? Mindfuc—

Shard: Augur, perhaps. I would’ve chosen something that would’ve lead targets to believe that I had precognition.

Nick: Which you don’t.

Shard: Correct.

Nick: Asshole.

Shard: Also correct.

Nick: I’m surprised that you own up to it.

Shard, shrugging: I’ve never claimed to be otherwise. Being nice would’ve prevented me from doing what I deemed necessary.

Nick: Right . . . “necessary.” Your favorite word. Let’s talk about some of your past “necessary actions,” shall we?

Shard’s head dips in an almost imperceptible nod.

Nick: What makes you so dead certain that what you did was justified?

Shard: Vengeance has been dismantled. Some might argue that success creates justification.

Nick: And that’s your argument? ‘My plan worked therefore it was good?’

Shard: I wouldn’t describe my actions as justified in the sense of being righteous. Done for valid reason, yes. But justified? Controlling your sibling, accidentally injuring you—there’s no excuse that can make either of those actions right.

Nick: Yet you refuse to apologize.

Shard: Because my actions were necessary. Given the knowledge that I had at the time, I stand behind my decision. I should have possessed the foresight to anticipate your presence, but it was insight that I lacked. Wishing otherwise won’t make anything different.

Nick: There had to be easier ways to get Unity to go after Vengeance than blowing up our headquarters.

Shard: Of course; I needed the evacuation to get paperwork from the building. When hundreds of people exit simultaneously, it becomes impossible to pinpoint who carries the bag which sets off an alarm.

Nick: You’re getting into spoiler territory.

Shard: If I had the technical acumen of Parker, perhaps the evacuation wouldn’t have been necessary, but I could only work within my limitations. The bomb served dual purposes.

Nick: Why were these papers that you stole so important? What can possibly be worth what you did to Button?

Shard: Most recently? Your kidnapping.

Nick: Which only happened because of your actions!

Shard: Irrelevant.

Nick: How the hell is that . . . no. No, you know what? I’m curious. Fine then. Please, oh smart one, explain how your twisted world view is justified by my abduction by Vengeance which only happened because you exploded a building on top of me.

Shard: It wasn’t an entire building, and no one was supposed to be on that floor.

Nick’s scowl intensifies.

Shard: . . . I should’ve taken more precautions to ensure that there was no collateral damage. But my lack of judgement in regards to that one detail doesn’t negate the fact that Vengeance intended to use you as a weapon.

Nick: Again, because you handed me to them on a silver stretcher!

Shard: Don’t be naïve. It was only a matter of time until a group like Vengeance realized that Ments were growing more powerful. Unity has spent the last thirty years attempting to hide the full extent of your abilities—of my abilities, and the abilities of countless people like us. Those truths couldn’t have stayed covered forever, nor should they.

Nick: Well, I for one have no desire to be burned at the stake. Do you have any idea what would happen if that information leaked?

Shard: I have a better idea of the consequences than anyone else at Unity, it seemed. Otherwise, the priority would’ve been on the controlled release of this information rather than covering it up. But thirty years is a long time to plan a press conference.

Nick: Is that what you intended to do? Release the information in a controlled way?

Shard: If necessary. I assumed that, once Unity realized what documents were missing, they’d attempt to get ahead of the inevitable leak.

Nick: None of this even begins to excuse your actions, but talking further about your motivations would be even more spoilerific. Let’s move on to new questions.

Shard: Very well.

Nick: Your power of hallucination is unique to say the least. How did you learn to control such an ability?

Shard: Survival.

Nick: Are you an empath? Telepath? Something else entirely?

Shard: The details of that will be discussed between me and your sibling before live on television. I can say is this: being able to go unseen is the only way I survived the environment in which I grew up in. Would I possess the same ability had I grown up in Chicago, if I’d been raised watching my parents serve on UCRT? I think it doubtful. My mind learned the tricks it needed to survive. No more, no less.

Nick: Who was the first person you ever controlled?

Shard: The very first would be the same people who took away my sister, although I didn’t realize it at the time. Again, that’s a conversation for me and your sibling.

Nick: You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as Button, let alone engage them in a conversation.

Shard: Perhaps not. But what we “deserve” isn’t something that the universe usually cares to factor.

Nick: Pretentious—what was that word Gray uses?—git. You’re a pretentious git. You also don’t seem to have a lot of qualms about controlling others. Why is that? Because of how you grew up? Is that how you forgive yourself for brainwashing Button?

For the first time, Shard’s voice is sharp and adamant.

Shard: I am filled with qualms. Not over a subtle push to make someone look the other way—I refuse to beg forgiveness for staying alive. But controlling Wiseman was different.

Nick: Different how?

Shard: Wrong. Unethical. Unforgivable. Pick your adjective.

For a moment, Nick looks uncertain how to continue. When he speaks again, his voice is softer with a faint note of pleading.

Nick: Why did it have to be them? Why make my sibling your target? You could’ve used—maybe not anyone else, but someone else.

Shard: I deemed Wiseman the least likely to suffer consequences. Furthermore, using Wiseman had the benefit of concealing the extent of my powers. I could be any Ment, rather than . . .

Shard trails off, and Nick fills in the missing words.

Nick: A Ment like me.

Shard: Yes.

Nick: What was your plan had they been caught with the bomb?

Shard: To release their mind. Wait. Have Valero plant a bomb elsewhere that could be tracked back to Vengeance. It wouldn’t have helped me take the paperwork, not immediately, but I would have at least been able to gain permission for Unity to go after Vengeance.

Nick: Shit. It’s just . . . I still can’t believe that no one realized that you were a Ment.

Shard: Why would they? Day to day, I ignore my powers to the best of my ability. Wiseman made that impossible, but there was no reason to believe that the score listed on my paperwork wasn’t mine.

Nick: Whose was it then?

Shard: My supposed three belonged to the proctor who administered my Pollard Test. It was easy enough to make her believe that the wires she attached to her own head were attached to mine.

Nick: That’s horrific.

Shard: It was survival. Soldiers stole my sister, but they also saved her. I wasn’t as lucky.

Nick: Why not reveal your powers after?

Shard doesn’t immediately answer.

Nick: Why not reveal your powers after?

Shard: I’d grown used to hiding. Besides, there’s a difference between being a Ment and being . . .

Nick: More?

Shard: Or less. Depending on the perspective.

Nick: I hate you.

Shard: You understand me.

Nick: Not entirely.

Shard: Enough that you’ve stopped telling jokes. Enough that I’m finally seeing you.

Nick: I didn’t come here to be psychoanalyzed by a . . .

Nick’s lips begin to form the “t” of “terrorist”, but he’s unable to vocalize the word. He clears his throat.

Nick: If the roles were reversed, would you be able to forgive someone who hurt your sibling?

Shard lets out a bitter laugh.

Shard: Clearly not.

Nick: Would you be able to forgive someone who took control of your mind?

Shard: Somethings don’t deserve forgiveness.

Nick groans, frustrated.

Nick: How is it, despite everything, you’re still the same holier-than-thou asshole that you were yesterday? You lost your claim to superiority! You suck! Your plan sucked! You almost killed me! You hurt Button.

Shard doesn’t answer. Although his expression remains shrouded via illusion, his body language communicates a militaristic acceptance of Nick’s tongue lashing; he sits with the rigidity of a soldier who broke formation and is willing to accept the consequences.

Nick’s impassioned energy fades when it becomes clear that Shard won’t defend himself to any of his accusations.

Nick: Did you ever second guess your plan? Ever worry about the collateral damage?

Shard: Of course.

Nick: Then why did you go through with it?

Shard: Because it was necessary.

Nick: I feel like we’re talking in circles.

Jo: Well, excuse me! It’s hard to write this conversation without revealing major spoilers that will be disclosed in-game!

Nick: Who said that?

Shard: No one important.

Nick: At very least, you must’ve felt guilty after seeing how Button reacted to learning that they were the one who planted the bomb.

Shard: I felt . . . regret that it had to be this way. But Wiseman would recover, and I maintain that my actions ultimately saved lives.

Nick: Even though everything you did was pretty much disastrous and blew up in your face.

Shard: Technically, it blew up in your

Nick: Do not. Finish. That sentence.

Shard: Next time, sign in at the front desk.

Nick: Are you serious right now?

Shard: I pointed out to Black that you needed to take PTO. I made sure that every other member of UCRT was assigned a mission elsewhere. You broke protocol.

Nick: You broke my entire body!

Shard: I’m not omniscient.

Nick: You’re not even competent.

Shard: All my goals were achieved.

Nick: Keep telling yourself that in prison. You and Reese can compare egos.

Shard leans in closer, his voice going quietly intent.

Shard: I was willing to sacrifice your sibling’s autonomy and your safety. I committed an atrocity that would’ve made my family weep. Do you believe, for a single second, that I wasn’t also willing to sacrifice my freedom?

Nick: That’s—

Shard: I don’t deserve freedom after the acts that I committed. Where they necessary? Yes. But the society for which I have striven, which Unity prevents with its propaganda and deceits, is one where all people are protected, Ment or not.  It's also a place where all people that abuse their power over others are fairly punished, Ment or not. I abused my powers.

Nick: You abused my sibling.

Shard: And I’m prepared to face the consequence for doing so. But here’s the thing that you fail to understand, Justice.

Nick, rolling eyes: Goodie, another one of your lectures.

Shard, ignoring the interruption: I don’t matter. All that matters, all that has ever mattered, is preventing history from repeating.

Nick: Then your sister’s death didn’t matter? You didn’t go after Vengeance because of her and only her?

Shard doesn’t answer.

Nick: Hypocrite.

Shard: After her death, I saw Unity for what it was. Useless. Advertising empty promises as it barreled towards a disaster of its own making. It needed to do better.

Nick: That wasn’t your call to make!

Shard: Then whose? No one else was willing. And it was—

Nick: Necessary. Yeah, I know. I fucking hate that word.

Shard: Then  you’re not strong enough to bear the weight of its expectations. Otherwise, you would’ve told your sibling the truth. In the end, I wonder which one of us has hurt them more?

Nick: Shut up.

Shard: At least now they know.

Nick half-rises from his seat, fists clenched.

Nick: You think I never wanted to tell them? To let them know that—

Shard: Desires and intentions are useless. My actions had the desired effect.

Nick: Your actions almost killed me. Your actions almost destroyed them.

Shard: Yes.

Nick: That’s it? Just . . . yes?

Shard: Yes.

Nick, exhausted: You’re a monster. You heard them, heard what you did to them. How can you be so callous?

Shard: Because I also know what would’ve happened had I done nothing.

Nick: Oh, so now you're a precog as well? There’s a huge freaking difference between “doing nothing” and “blowing up a building”.

Jo: Annnnd . . . this interview is over. Answers are still missing, I know! But those will be provided in Mind Blind’s later chapters, as will Shard’s more repentant side and Tragic Backstory(TM) . 


Chigusa Eyes


Stephanie Beth

😅 Welp that's the first thing I read in 2022 and I'm ⚰️ (IMHO, that was the best interview yet!)

Skippy Hugo

I'm with Nick. They need to take that N-word and shove it up their-


Jo I'm actually crryyyyiiinnngg reading this nooo


Ok but the inclusion of Jo, and the characters acknowledgement of Jo, says that Jo exists in the Mind Blind universe. Jo is a Ment whose ability is to manipulate people into doing what she writes confirmed.



Samantha Murphy

I assume, from the implications of this interview, it's that he has more than one power.


button's previously been shown to be aware of nick being a telepath-telemetrist, like in chapter 6 when they (plus rosy and dean branham) discuss the possibility of shard having the same powers, so it might have more to do with either nick being even more powerful than they previously thought, or something major that nick knows about unity.


Why do I love them even more than I did before? And it was already a lot. Something’s really wrong with me, but we already knew that. I’ll guess I’ll just go cry in a corner. (Also, I love myself for deciding that I’d never romance Noh and then thinking “oh wait, if that’s the case I can forgive them” when I figured out who Noh actually was).


Unpopular opinion incoming - Rosebud went from my favorite RO to least favorite, and i hope he faces the consequences of his actions.


BTW the surname Rudzite is only used for females, male will be Rudzitis. Its a minor nitpick.


Heart on the floor. But........................................I...................................idk. Nick is the most important.


whoa there really were clues about Shard’s identity throughout all the chapters


Oh dear, I'm sorry, I'm really down bad. Idk how you can take an advantage of me liking morally gray villains like that 😔