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I'm going to promptly unplug my internet again as soon as this post is published, as I've disconnected from all other human lifeforms over these last several days in order to make Chapter 16 playable from beginning to end. 

(With the new tunnel scenes, Noh's first reveal now happens at the end of the chapter, and a lot has changed. Which is my own fault for deciding that underground Chicago was too awesome not to include, but still.)

Once Chapter 16 in and all the paths from Chapter 15 are coded in, Mind Blind will officially be over 500,000 words! Which makes me feel accomplished, even if I don't release Chapters 17/18 this month.

Oh, that's right! After writing out a detailed plot outline, I can officially confirm that Mind Blind will be eighteen Chapters long total. Maybe nineteen chapters if I have another sudden epiphany . . . which is, truthfully, a 50/50 possibility because my brain thrives on chaos. This adjusted length (from my original 16-chapter estimate) doesn't include the fluff epilogues, which will get written after all endgame routes are finished.

As for December's schedule:

Dec 5: Mind Blind Demo Update (all of Chapter 16, including Noh’s reveal-for-real-this-time-no-take-backsies)

Dec 6: Delivery for the Damned Teaser (on Soul Scarring)

Dec 7: Delivery for the Damned Poll (on Soul Scarring options)

Dec 8: Lady Death’s Diary Update

Dec 10: Writer’s Blog

Dec 11: Nick Wiseman Has Opinions

Dec 13: MB Saucy Side (Grayson)

Dec 16: UCRT Short Stories

Dec 17: Writer’s Blog

Dec 18/19: Live Q&A (early this month, as my internet connection will be haphazard starting the 24th)

Dec 20: MB Saucy Side (Sally)

Dec 22: Lady Death’s Diary Update

Dec 24: Writer’s Blog

Dec 25: Mind Blind Short Story

Dec 29: MB Cast Interview - Noh (giving everyone more time after Chapter 16’s reveal to ask questions)

Dec 30: Mind Blind Demo Update. (Instead of Chapter 17, this will have all missing pathways for housebreaking in Chapter 15. I wanted to finish the story by year’s end, but I ultimately recognized the unfeasibility of keeping up the same writing pace while visiting family for the holidays.)

Dec 31: Writer’s Blog



Don't mind me! Just circling, underlining, and covering the 13th on my calendar in exclamation points (for personal reasons-nothing to do with this at all)


You're super amazing, thank you for all your hard work! I can't wait to buy the game! 💕