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My goal is to have Noh's first potential reveal happen this month, which means that I have approximately 60,000 words that needed to be coded before the November 27th update. A rough draft is already written for most of this material, but a lot will undoubtedly need to be rewritten at least once more to accommodate whatever changes I make while connecting the scenes (since they weren't written chronologically, and are thus spread throughout several Word documents).

I'll try to get out more stories if possible (as well as the final entries in the Aeon Student Guide, as soon as I figure out what I'm doing timeline-wise). But my primary focus for this month and December is to finish Mind Blind's first draft--something I'm not entirely sure is possible (I've planned all the scenes to come, but it's impossible to estimate how long those scenes will end up being, especially accounting for variable paths). Possible or not, I fully intend to try!

If I don't manage to type out "The End" by December 31, at least I'll get a lot written by setting my goal high (reach for the stars, land on the moon, and all that jazz). Slowest case scenario, I make finishing Mind Blind my New Year's resolution, wrap up the first draft by February, and then get to celebrate having met my resolution for the first time ever without even having bought a gym membership (which, let's be real, I'd have used maybe once).

And then comes editing.

Ugh, editing.

Regarding the interview: Schrodinger will have a mini-interview all by himself in addition to aggressively hissing throughout Noh's. This is so that anyone who doesn't get Noh's reveal in their playthrough, and still wants to encounter it organically in-game, can bypass reading Noh's tell-all in favor of a half-feral cat waxing poetic about the delights of salmon and yarn balls.

Here's the tentative roadmap for this month!

4 November: Grayson’s Romance Scene in MB Demo; Nohvember Crossover Update

5 November: Writer’s Blog; Nohvember Crossover Update

6 November: Lockdown Night, Part 3 (UCRT+); Nohvember Crossover Update

7 November: Nohvember Crossover Final Chapter

9 November: Mind Blind Short Story

10 November: Lady Death’s Diary Chapter

12 November: Writer’s Blog

14 November: Nick Wiseman Has Opinions

16 November: MB Demo Update 

18 November: Saucy Side (Featuring Noh)

19 November: Writer’s Blog

21 November: MB Blooper Reel

24 November: Lady Death’s Diary Chapter

26 November: Writer’s Blog

27 November: MB Update (Noh reveal!)

28 November: Live Q&A

29 November: Schrodinger's Interview

30 November: Noh's Interview


Chigusa Eyes

Ahhh this is so exciting! And really, while it is understandable that you want to finish by Dec 31st, if you don't, that's honestly understandable, all things considered! Cheering you on along the way, regardless 🥰

Rhianna Mary

I’ve never been more glad to have bought a Patreon membership in my life! Your work and commitment is incredible! 🖤

Stephanie Beth

Noh Saucy Side!?! 👀👀 You spoil us, and we love it! Thank you for everything you do. 💗

S (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-01 06:07:29 The anticipation is killing me, but I <3 it!! Side note-Will the second Q&A recording from October 30th be posted? Or was it too spoilery
2021-11-05 22:37:26 The anticipation is killing me, but I <3 it!! Side note-Will the second Q&A recording from October 30th be posted? Or was it too spoilery

The anticipation is killing me, but I <3 it!! Side note-Will the second Q&A recording from October 30th be posted? Or was it too spoilery

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-01 06:07:29 Is it just me or have i not received any posts about demo :&lt;
2021-11-29 01:58:51 Is it just me or have i not received any posts about demo :<

Is it just me or have i not received any posts about demo :<