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First delay was my fault. This second delay, I'm blaming on the universe.

Dashingdon is currently down (I've been trying to access it for a while with no luck, and no one on the Sanctum seems able to access the site either). That being said, I did promise an update today.

Attached to this post is the coded file for the first part of Chapter 14. There's still some dead ends (it only includes the conversation with Noh part, and I took off the ending with the final decision because that's better read as part of the game, as well as the alternate route where Button is terrified during the whole conversation since I felt it made the coding too hard to follow). Noh's romance bits won't be active until their first in-game reveal happens either, so this document is currently the only way to read it.

Sorry that's it's not an update (I'll keep checking Dashingdon, and update the link asap)! But it's still 11,000+ words for those who can't wait :)



Boooooo about dashingdon being down. But o: coded file


Bad dashingdon!


Im blaming this is on being a no bones day.